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The Swedish word for shoe is


a shoeen sko
the shoeskon
the shoesskorna

Translations for shoe and their definitions

sko ©
     1. n-c. a shoe (on foot or on a horse)
     2. n-c. a lining (of iron on a wooden tool; similar to a horseshoe)
     3. v. to shoe, to put on shoes; especially on a horse
           Han bygger sitt hus själv, förfärdigar sina kläder, bakar sitt bröd, brygger sitt öl, smider sin spik, skor sina hästar, förfärdigar sina vagnar
             He builds his own house, manufactures his own clothes, bakes his own bread, brews his own beer, forges his own hammernails, shoes his own horses, builds his own waggons
           Passade fötterna se’n i värmande strumpor af svart ull, Skodde sig snabbt, steg opp, tog fårskinnspelsen af väggen
             Fit he then his feet in warming socks of black wool, shod himself quickly, stood up, took the sheep fur coat off the wall
     4. v. to line an object with a protection against wear
           Nu får väl döden sko sin käft med stål
             O, now doth Death line his dead chaps with steel;
     5. v. to profit, to earn an undue profit (enough to buy shoes for oneself)
           William hade skott sig på Hörnerska konkursen och var således en »klok» man som åtnjöt aktning och förtroende
             William had made a profit from Hörner's bankruptcy and was thus a »wise» man who enjoyed respect and trust
           Medan bolag och partiledare skodde sig, voro stadens gator illa stenlagda, smutsiga och dåligt upplysta
             While corporations and party officials earned well, the city's streets were lacking in pavement, dirty and poorly lit

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