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The Swedish word for tongue is


a tongueen tunga
the tonguetungan
the tonguestungorna

Translations for tongue and their definitions

tunga ©
     1. n-c. a tongue (organ)
     2. n-c. a tongue (flap in a shoe)
     3. n-c. a language, speech
           De skatter som förvärvas genom falsk tunga, de äro en försvinnande dunst och hasta till döden. - The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and fro of them that seek death
     4. adj. singular definite of tung
     5. adj. plural of tung
     6. n-c.          a weight (for measuring weight with scales)
                    Tyskland var då tungan på den europeiska jämviktens vågskål
                   : Germany was then the weight in the pan of the European balance
     7. n-c.          a burden, a trouble
     8. n-c.          a duty, something one is forced to do or pay

     1. n-c. a tongue (flap in a shoe)

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