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The Swedish word for to turn is

to turn

Translations for to turn and their definitions

     1. n-c. a top (rotating toy)
     2. n-c. an outboard motor
     3. v. to spin, to rotate, to turn

     1. v. (nautical) to yaw, turn (a ship at sea)
     2. v. (land vehicles) swerve, an unplanned quick deviation to avoid impact
           Han gira för cyklisten (He swerve for the cyclist)

turas om
     1. v. (deponent) to take turns
           De turades om att köra - They took turns driving

     1. v. to twist, to turn (something); to change the direction or orientation of

     1. v. to turn
           Sväng till vänster! - Turn left!
     2. v. to swing

tur ©
     1. n-c. a tour; a journey through a building, estate, country etc.
           John tog en tur med bilen för att titta på hela stan innan han bestämde sig för att bosätta sig i just den stadsdelen. - John took a tour in the car to look at the whole city before he decided
     2. n-c.          a bus or train service on a specific line, which leaves at a specific time
                   De drog in de två sista turerna på söndagskvällarna eftersom ändå ingen åkte med bussen vid den tiden. - They canceled the last two journeys on S
     3. n-c.          a dance; an instance of dancing
                   Vi tog två turer på dansgolvet innan vi gick hem. - We danced two dances before we went home.
     4. n-c.          a figure in a dance
                   I square dance ropas turerna ut. - In square dance, the figures are called.
     5. n-c. a turn; the chance to use an item shared in sequence with others
           Nu har du fått ha den jättelänge, så nu är det min tur. - Now you've had it for a really long time, now it's my turn.
           Det är din tur. - It's your move.
     6. n-c. luck
           Du måste ha väldig tur om du ska vinna lotterier. - You've got to have a lot of luck if you're to win the lottery.

     1. v. to turn, to shape (something on a lathe)

     1. v. to become sour (often in an undesirable way)
           surnad mjölk - milk that has gone sour
     2. v. (often followed by till) to (suddenly) become angrily irritated
           Journalistens fräcka frågor fick honom att surna till - The journalist's rude questions ticked him off
     3. v. to sour (become disenchanted)
           Äktenskapet hade surnat - The marriage had soured

vända ©
     1. v. to turn
     2. v. (cooking) to flip (e.g. hamburgers), to fry on both sides
     3. n-c. a turn

bli ©
     1. v. (sometimes dated) to remain, to stay
           Nisse kom och blev stående i dörröppningen - Nisse came and stopped and remained standing in the doorway (not dated)
           Arbetet blev liggande - The work stayed lying (not being worked on) (not dated)
           Skomakare, bli vid din läst! - Cobbler, stick to thy last!
     2. v. to become; to turn into (with an optional preposition till)
           vattnet blev (till) vin - the water turned into wine
           grodan blev (till) en prins - the frog turned into a prince
           guldet blev (till) till sand - the gold turned into sand
     3. v. (impersonal) to be (in a future sense)
           Det ska bli kul att träffa honom - It will be fun to meet him
     4. v. (auxiliary) used together with an adjective or past participle, meaning "has become".
           Han har blivit gammal - He has become old
           Det hade blivit kallt - It had become cold (the weather had gotten colder)

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