The Swedish word for wave is

Translations for wave and their definitions
våg | |
1. n-c. a wave; a shape with alternatingly curves; a motion of liquid or energy | |
2. n-c. a scale; a device for measuring weights or masses | |
3. n-c. Libra (star sign) |
vanka | |
1. v. to stroll, to wander, to walk without hurry | |
där farbror polisen med händer på ryggen sakta vankar gatan fram och lyfter på hatten åt medborgarna. - where the old constable with his hands at his back slowly strolls along the street and ti | |
han vankar av och an. | |
he strolls to and fro | |
Onsdag går jag ut och vankar. Torsdag sitter jag i tankar. | |
On Wednesday I go for a stroll. On Thursday I sit in thoughts. (nursery rhyme, song lyrics) | |
2. v. (in the passive) to expect food or some event | |
Det vankas vickning fram på småtimmarna. - We're expecting some light food in the wee hours. | |
När det vankades Bernadotte-jubileum var det varken kungen eller drottningen som stod i centrum. - When the Bernadotte jubilee was forthcoming, neither the King nor the Queen were the centre of |
bölja | |
1. n-c. a wave, a billow (large, undulating wave, like on the sea) | |
2. n-c. the sea (in some expressions) | |
Vi seglade på böljan den blå - We sailed the sea ("we sailed the blue billow," with idiomatic phrasing) | |
3. v. to billow (make large, undulating movements) | |
böljande vetefält - billowing wheat fields |
vinka | |
1. v. to wave (one's hand) |
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