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The Turkish word for plant is


Translations for plant and their definitions

     1. n. bread
     2. v. to sow, plant

     1. n. plant, vegetable

     1. v. (ditransitive) to erect, to plant
           bir yere direk dikmek - to install a pole somewhere
     2. v. (ditransitive) to plant (plants only, for seeds see ekmek)
           Boş toprağa bir koru dikseniz otuz yılda gölge verir. - If you were to plant trees in empty soil, they would grow large enough in 30 years to provide a nice shadow.
     3. v. to chug
           Doldurmasıyla kadehini dikmesi, gözünü kırpmadan tek yudumda devirmesi bir oluyor. - He instantaneously refills his cup and chugs his drink in a single breath, without even blinking.
     4. v. (ditransitive) to assign a person to a place to guard
           O günden sonra kapıya diktiği bir bekçiye iş çıkışları işçilerin üstlerini arattı. - From that day onwards he made the guard who he assigned at the entrance search the workers after work.
     5. v. (ditransitive) to kick a ball directly upwards
           maç yapan çocukların topunu havaya dikmek - to kick the ball of the kids playing soccer up in the air
     6. v. (ditransitive) to build
           Biz apartman dikmek için ağaçları kese duralım, İsviçre'de içinde küçük bir orman olan gökdelen yapıyorlar. - As we go on cutting the trees to build apartments, in Switzerand they are building
     7. v. (ditransitive, sports) to place the ball somewhere on the field
           Top toplayıcıdan gelen topu köşe noktasına dikti. - He placed the ball coming from the ball boy on the corner area.
     8. v. to sew, to sew up, to stitch, to stitch up
           Yırtık kot nasıl dikilir? - How to sew up torn jeans?
     9. v. to tailor
           yazlık elbise dikimi - tailoring of a summer dress

     1. n. plant

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