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A palavra em inglês para braço é



     1. n-m. arm (upper limb)
     2. n-m. (specifically) upper arm; brachium (part of the arm between the elbow and shoulder)
     3. n-m. (loosely) any limb or tentacle
     4. n-m. arm (part of an object designed to be used with the arm)
     5. n-m.          arm; sleeve (part of an item of clothing for the upper body that goes around the arm)
     6. n-m.          arm (part of a furniture for sitting that one can rest one’s arm on)
     7. n-m. arm (anything that extends out from another thing)
     8. n-m.          (musical instruments) neck (extended part of a stringed instrument)
     9. n-m.          (geography) arm; inlet (small part of a body of water extending out from the main body)
     10. n-m.          (geography) a smaller range extending from a mountain range
     11. n-m.          (mechanics) the part of a lever on either side of the fulcrum
     12. n-m.          (genetics) arm (part of a chromosome extending from the centromere)
     13. n-m.          (astronomy) arm (outer part of a spiral galaxy)
     14. n-m. arm (person employed to do manual labour)
     15. n-m. (figurative) arm; might; power


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