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A palavra em inglês para cair é



     1. v. to fall; to fall down; to drop
           A maçã caiu. - The apple fell.
     2. v. (indtr, de) to fall from (to fall so it is no longer attached to or on top of something)
           O livro caiu da mesa. - The book fell from the table.
           A maçã caiu do galho. - The apple fell from the branch.
     3. v. (figurative, intransitive) to fall; to collapse (to be overthrown, defeated or annulled)
           O novo governo logo cairá. - The new government will fall soon.
     4. v. (indtr, intr=1, com, em, .with the adverb bem or mal) to suit (to be appropriate or suitable)
           Um vestido preto cairia bem nela. - A black dress would suit her well.
           Um vinhozinho cai bem. - Some wine would be nice.
     5. v. to go down (to be eaten with or without causing indigestion)
           Essa pizza podre me caiu mal. - This rotten pizza didn’t go down well.
     6. v. to fall, to decrease (to lower in value or quantity)
           Espero que o preço dos livros caia. - I hope that the price of the books falls.
     7. v. to get disconnected, to be interrupted (of a call or connection)
           Caiu a ligação. - The connection dropped.
     8. v. (euphemistic, intransitive) to fall (to die in battle)
           Muitos dos nossos soldados caíram naquela guerra. - Many of our soldiers fell in that war.
     9. v. (indtr, em, intr=1, .of a subject or question) to be present in a test
           Caiu uma pergunta sobre a revolução. - There was a question about the revolution.
           Eu não tinha estudado nada do que caiu na prova. - I hadn’t studied anything that was in the test.



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