Página Inicial Lexis Rex

A palavra em inglês para chorar é



     1. v. to cry; to weep (to shed tears from the eyes)
           Ela passou a noite chorando por causa da morte do pai. - She spent the night crying because of her father’s death.
     2. v. to cry (to shed a given substance, or number of tears, from the eyes)
           O Vaticano investigou o santo que chorava sangue. - The Vatican investigated the saint who was crying blood.
     3. v. to exude; to seep; to ooze
     4. v. (indtr, que, intr=1, .colloquial) to whine (to make petty complaints)
           Nós choramos que não tínhamos dinheiro, mas eles não se importaram. - We whined that we didn’t have money, but they didn’t care.
     5. v. to haggle (to argue for a better deal)
           Chorei, chorei, até que o vendedor baixou o preço. - I haggled and haggled until the salesman lowered the price.
           Chore o preço até que o diminuam. - Haggle for the price until they lower it.
     6. v. (indtr, por, .sometimes, .figurative) to show empathy, especially by crying
           Não vou chorar pelos famintos. - I won’t cry for the hungry.
     7. v. (indtr, por, direct=1, intr=1) to cry over (an adverse occurrence)
           Não adianta chorar o que aconteceu. - There is no point in crying over what happened.
     8. v. to spend some time almost scoring
           A bola chorou por uns cinco segundos antes de cair na cesta. - The ball circled the hoop for about five seconds before it went through.


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