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A palavra em inglês para correr é



     1. v. to run (to move quickly on one’s feet)
           Tive que correr para chegar a tempo. - I had to run to arrive in time.
     2. v. (indtr, intr=1) to run away from; to flee
           Tive que correr do país para sobreviver. - I had to run away from the country in order to survive.
     3. v. to speed (to drive too fast)
           Ele morreu porque gostava de correr. - He died because he liked to speed.
     4. v. to rush; to hurry (to do something hastily)
           Se não correres, não conseguirás terminar o projeto. - Unless you hurry up, you won’t manage to finish the project.
     5. v. to flow (to move in liquid form)
           Fiquei observando as gotas correndo na janela. - I was observing the drops flowing on the window.
     6. v. (indtr, em, .by extension) to run in the family (to be a characteristic feature of)
           A idiotice corre na família do João. - Stupidity runs in John’s family.
     7. v. to elapse; to pass quickly
           As horas correm. - The hours elapse.
     8. v. (indtr, que, intr=1) to be passed around; to spread
           Corre o boato que eu estou prestes a morrer. - The rumour that I am about to die is running around.
           Corre que eu estou prestes a morrer. - Rumour has it that I am about to die.
     9. v. to draw; to slide over a rod or trail
           Corra as cortinas. - Draw the curtains.
     10. v. (indtr, em, sobre, por, ditr=1) to slide an object over something
           Corra a mão sobre o granito para ver que liso que é. - Slide your hand over the granite to see how smooth it is.
     11. v. to slide
           Uma forca bem feita precisa correr bem. - A well-made noose needs to slide properly.
     12. v. to run (a risk or danger)
           Corremos o risco de morrer. - We run the risk of dying.
     13. v. (indtr, em, direct=1) to participate in a race
           Quero correr a maratona de Londres. - I want to race in the London marathon.
     14. v. to tour (to make a circuit of a place)
           Ele correu a Europa inteira. - He toured all of Europe.
     15. v. to go (to proceed in a specified manner)
           Tudo correu bem. - Everything went well.
     16. v. (Brazil, transitive) to chase off (to make someone or something flee)
           Conseguimos correr os mendigos. - We managed to chase the beggars off.
     17. v. (Portugal, computer) to run a program


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