fora |
1. adv. outside (on the outside of a building or location) | |
Fiquei trancado fora da minha casa. - I got locked outside my house. | |
2. adv. abroad; overseas (in another country) | |
Morei fora por dois anos. - I lived abroad for two years. | |
3. adv. out (away from home or one’s usual place) | |
Hoje jantarei fora. - Today I’ll dine out. | |
4. adv. away (to be discarded) | |
Joga esse lixo fora. - Throw away this trash. | |
5. prep. except (with the exception of) | |
Todos leram o livro, fora o João. - Everyone read the book, except John. | |
6. n-m. (Brazil, colloquial) rejection of a romantic proposal | |
7. interj. out! (demanding that someone leave) | |
8. v. verb form of ir | |
9. v. verb form of ser | |