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A palavra em inglês para segundo é



     1. n-m. second ((frac, 1, 60) of a minute)
           Um minuto tem sessenta segundos. - One minute has sixty seconds.
     2. n-m. (loosely) second (extremely short period of time)
           O relâmpago durou um segundo. - The lightning lasted for one second.
     3. n-m. the second one (anything that comes immediately after the first)
           O segundo não conseguiu ultrapassar o primeiro. - The second one was unable to overtake the first one.
     4. adj. second (ordinal numeral for 2)
           A segunda batalha foi muito mais violenta. - The second battle was a lot more violent.
     5. adj. (loosely) second; subsequent; other; further (coming after the first)
           Fizemos três segundas tentativas. - We made three second attempts.
     6. adj. secondary (lesser in importance or rank)
           Eles tinham vários segundos planos. - They had many second plans.
     7. adv. second (in second place)
           Chegamos segundo. - We arrived second.
     8. prep. according to (based on what is stated by)
           Segundo a lenda. - According to the legend.
     9. conj. as (at the same time that)
           Saiam segundo chegávamos. - They left as we arrived.
     10. conj. as (according to what)
           Comprava livros segundo permitia seu salário. - She bought books as her salary allowed.
     11. v. verb form of segundar



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