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A palavra em inglês para sinal é


     1. n-m. sign; mark; trace (a visible or otherwise perceivable indication of something)
           Isso é um sinal claro dos problemas que virão. - This is a clear sign of coming problems.
           Esta ruína é um dos poucos sinais que restaram da guerra. - These ruins are one of the few remaining traces of the war.
     2. n-m.          mark (a blemish, stain, scratch, scar or similar on a surface, especially on the skin)
                   Ele voltou da guerra com o rosto cheio de sinais. - He returned from the war with his face full of marks.
     3. n-m. signal (a visual or audible indication made to give notice of some occurrence, command or danger)
           Espere pelo meu sinal para atacar. - Wait for my signal to attack.
     4. n-m.          sign; gesture (a motion of the hands or body used to express something)
                   Faça o sinal da cruz. - Make the sign of the cross.
     5. n-m.         # (linguistics) sign (a linguistic unit of a sign language)
              #     O sinal IGREJA é composto dos sinais CASA e CRUZ. - The sign for ‘church’ is a compound of the signs for ‘house’ and ‘cross’.
     6. n-m.         # (deaf culture) name sign; sign name (a sign-language sign that identifies a person)
              #     Você tem sinal? - Do you have a name sign?
     7. n-m.          school bell (bell or siren used to announce the beginning and end of classes in schools)
     8. n-m.          traffic light (set of lights indicating when it is safe to cross a street)
                   O sinal está aberto, pode ir. - The light is green, you can go.
     9. n-m.          (telephony) beep (tone played by an answering machine before it starts recording)
                   Deixe sua mensagem após o sinal. - Leave your message after the beep.
     10. n-m. (telecommunications) signal (physical impulse used to convey data)
           O sinal de rádio não pega do outro lado da montanha. - The radio signal does not reach the other side of the mountain.
     11. n-m. (finance) deposit; down payment (initial payment of a purchase)
     12. n-m. (mathematics) sign (a symbol that represents a mathematical operation or relationship)
           O sinal de igual e o sinal de mais. - The equals sign and the plus sign.