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A palavra em inglês para tocar é



     1. v. (indtr, em, direct=1) to touch, to finger, to feel (tactually)
           Toquei levemente (em) seu braço - I slighty touched his arm
     2. v. (figurative) to start addressing (a particular subject or issue)
           Já que você tocou nessa questão, vamos continuar - Since you began talking about that issue, let's continue
     3. v. to play (a musical instrument)
           Ela toca piano muito bem - She plays the piano very well
     4. v. to sound, jingle, to honk, to ring (a bell, alarm, horn or similar object)
           Toque a campainha! - Ring the bell!
           Não deveríamos ter tocado o alarme. - We shouldn't have sounded the alarm.
     5. v. (Brazil, informal) to kick out, to expulse
           Alguém precisa tocá-lo daqui - Someone has to kick him out from here
     6. v. (Brazil, informal, reflexive) to become aware; to realize or perceive something
           Só me toquei depois. - I only realized it later.


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