лес |
1. n. forest, woods | |
леса́ (lesá) — woodland, forests | |
девственный лес (dévstvennyj) — virgin forest, primeval forest | |
заповедный лес means: | |
: заповедник - protection forest | |
: тайный лес, священный лес, божий лес — sacred forest, a forest that nobody may enter | |
корабельный лес (korabélnyj) — ship timber | |
лиственный лес (lístvennyj) — leaf-bearing forest | |
смешанный лес (sméšannyj) — mixed forest | |
тропический лес (tropíčeskij) — rainforest | |
хвойный лес (khvójnyj) — coniferous forest | |
чаща леса — thicket, the depths of forest | |
шум леса — murmur of the forest | |
как в лесу (kak v lesú) (saying) — at sea, lost, disoriented | |
кто в лес, кто по дрова (proverb) — (to be) at sixes and sevens (literal: some go to the forest, some go for firewood) | |
лес рубят — щепки летят (proverb) — you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs (literally: when cutting trees, chips fly) | |
(для него) это тёмный лес (or дремучий лес) (saying), — it is all Greek (to him), (he is) completely in the dark about it (literally: this is the dark forest for him) | |
в лесу́ люди лесеют, а в людях людеют (proverb) — literal: in the forest people become wild, and become people among people | |
чей лес, того и пень (proverb) — literally: the man who owns a forest, also owns a stump | |
Бог и ле́су не сравня́л (saying) - literally: God doesn’t even make the forest equal, meaning that people are not equal | |
2. n. (only singular) lumber, timber | |
лес в плотах (v plotákh) — timber float | |
лес на корню (na kornjú) — standing timber | |
3. n. (only plural) леса́ scaffolding, scaffold trestle, falsework | |
леса (lesá) — scaffolding, scaffold trestle | |
4. n. much, many, a lot of smth. (especially high, eminent) | |
лес рук - a forest of hands (in school if nobody wants to answer the teacher’s question, it's used sarcastically, when nobody actually raises a hand, there is no forest of hands, not a single t | |
лес мачт — a large number of ships | |
лес штыков (štykóv) — forest of bayonets | |