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Англи́йское Слово Дня




Английский > Русский
     1. отец
     2. праотец, прародитель, предок
     3. создатель, основатель
Английский > Английский
     1. n. A (generally human) male who begets a child.
           My father was a strong influence on me.
           My friend Tony just became a father.
     2. n. , trans-album=The Borrowers
     3. n. , , Father, dear fatherWill you be proud of me?I wish I could beJust like you.
     4. n. A male ancestor more remote than a parent; a progenitor; especially, a first ancestor.
     5. n. A term of respectful address for an elderly man.
           Come, father; you can sit here.
     6. n. A term of respectful address for a priest.
     7. n. A person who plays the role of a father in some way.
           My brother was a father to me after my parents got divorced.
           The child is father to the man.
     8. n. The founder of a discipline or science.
           Albert Einstein is the father of modern physics.
     9. n. Something that is the greatest or most significant of its kind.
     10. n. A senator of Ancient Rome.
     11. v. To be a father to; to sire.
     12. v. (figuratively) To give rise to.
     13. v. To act as a father; to support and nurture.
     14. v. To provide with a father.
     15. v. To adopt as one's own.
Русский > Английский
     1. n. father
           крёстный оте́ц — godfather
           духо́вный оте́ц — confessor (see also духовник, исповедник)
           свято́й оте́ц — priest
           посажённый оте́ц — (at a wedding) proxy, sponsor
           отцов много, а мать одна́ (saying) — there are many fathers but only one mother
           не хвали́сь отцо́м, а хвали́сь сы́ном-молодцо́м (proverb) — don’t be proud of father, but take pride in a good son
           муж жене́ оте́ц, жена́ му́жу вене́ц (proverb) — a husband is a father to his wife, and the wife is a crown for him
     2. n. ancestor
           отцы́ на́ши э́того не знава́ли и нам не приказа́ли (saying) — our ancestors didn’t know of this and didn’t guide us.
     3. n. senior, superior, first of, chief
           Арара́т-гора́ — всем гора́м оте́ц — Mount Ararat is the father of mountains
     4. n. familiar term of address for an elderly man
     5. n. (colloquial) referring to a man who cares about sоmеbody or something like a father
           как родно́й оте́ц — like one’s own father
           Адам — оте́ц ро́да челове́ческого — Adam is the Father of man
           Сталин — отец народов — Stalin is the father of the nations
     6. n. (colloquial) founder, initiator of something
           Дарвин — отец тео́рии эволю́ции — Darwin is the founder of the theory of evolution
           оте́ц враче́бной нау́ки — father of medicine (about Hippocratus)
           отцы-основатели — Founding Fathers
     7. n. root, basis, source
           санскри́тский язы́к — оте́ц языко́в европе́йских — Sanskrit is a root of the Indo-European languages
           нужда́ оте́ц дога́дки (proverb) — (literally) need is the father of wit


Примеры Предложений

Is his father a doctor?
    Его отец доктор?
It's the first thing that my father wrote.
    Это первая вещь, которую написал мой отец.
When you're a father, you'll understand.
    Станешь отцом, поймёшь.
This is a picture of my father and his first wife.
    Это фотография моего отца и его первой жены.
My father was still at home when I left.
    Мой отец еще был дома, когда я ушел.

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