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The Portuguese word for buttonhole is
casa de botão



The gender of casa de botão is feminine. E.g. a casa de botão.

Portuguese Definition

     1. casa de botão, casa

Translations for buttonhole and their definitions

casa de botão
     1. n-f. buttonhole (hole for a button)

     1. n-f. house
     2. n-f.          structure serving as an abode of human beings
                   Aquela casa é grande. - That house is big.
     3. n-f.          building or institution serving as something other than residence, such as a shop
                   Casa de carnes. - Butcher’s shop.
     4. n-f.          noble family
                   Casa de Bragança - House of Braganza
     5. n-f. home (one’s own dwelling place)
           Estou em casa. - I'm at home.
     6. n-f. (board games) a cell which may be occupied by a piece (such as a square in a chessboard)
           O peão está uma casa à direita do cavalo. - The pawn is one square to the right of the knight.
     7. n-f. a digit position
           No número 12345, o algarismo 3 ocupa a casa das centenas. - In the number 12345, the digit 3 is in the hundreds’ place.
     8. n-f. (slang) a destined place for shows or festive meetings
           A casa encheu por causa do espetáculo dele. - The place was full because of his show.
     9. v. verb form of casar

     1. n-f. buttonhole (hole for a button)

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