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Ежедневный Англи́йский Кроссворд - Легкий

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Номер 2325


По горизонтали
1пещера; пеще́ра (cave:large; naturally occurring cavity formed underground); подземе́лье (cave:large; naturally occurring cavity formed underground)
3ку́кла (doll:a toy in the form of a human); ля́лька (doll:a toy in the form of a human)
7больно́й (ill:in poor health; suffering from a disease); хво́рый (ill:in poor health; suffering from a disease)
8копьё (spear:long stick with a sharp tip); пи́ка (spear:long stick with a sharp tip)
9уве́ренный (certain:sure; positive; not doubting); определённый (certain:sure; positive; not doubting)
13дра́ма (drama:composition); пье́са (drama:composition)
15де́йствие (act:deed); акт (act:deed)
16сою́зник (ally:one united to another by treaty or league)
17кома́нда (team:group of people); брига́да (team:group of people)
По вертикали
1моне́та (coin:(''currency'') a piece of currency)
2це́нность (value:quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable); сто́имость (value:quality (positive or negative) that renders something desirable or valuable)
4один; едини́ца (one:digit or figure)
5властели́н (lord:ruler; one having mastery over others); повели́тель (lord:ruler; one having mastery over others); лорд (lord:aristocrat)
6пе́пельница (ashtray:receptacle for ashes)
10о́браз (image:graphical representation); изображе́ние (image:graphical representation)
11иде́я (idea:image formed in the mind); мысль (idea:image formed in the mind)
12ствол (stem:botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant); сте́бель (stem:botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant)
14весь (all:every individual of the given class); це́лый (all:every individual of the given class); це́лый (all:throughout the whole of (a stated period of time))

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