マゼンタ は英語でmagenta 英語の定義 マゼンタ 1. n. magenta その他の翻訳と定義 magenta magenta 1. n. A light purple, purplish-red, or pinkish purple colour obtained by mixing red and blue light (thus a secondary colour), but primary in the CMYK colour system used in printing. (color panel, web magenta (additive magenta), FF00FF) (color panel, printer's magenta (subtractive magenta), FF0090) (color panel, Prismacolor magenta (original magenta), CA1F7B) 2. adj. having the colour of fuchsia, fuchsine, light purple. ウィクショナリーから辞書引用発音"色"の他の単語 ランダムクイズ:斧の単語は? 今日の単語を購読するメール: