英語 > 日本語 |
two |
1. 形容詞. 2(個、人)の |
2. 名詞. (米国 非公式)2ドル札 |
英語 > 英語 |
two |
1. num. (cardinal) A numerical value equal to 2; this many dots (••). Ordinal: second. |
2. num. Describing a set or group with two elements. |
3. n. The digit/figure 2. |
The number 2202 contains three twos. |
4. n. (US, informal) A two-dollar bill. |
5. n. A child aged two. |
This toy is suitable for the twos and threes. |
6. n. The playing cards featuring two pips. |
日本語 > 英語 |
二 |
1. n. two, 2 |
2. n. second |
二兎 を 追う者 は 一兎 を も 得ず - one who chases two rabbits catches neither one |
二 の 足 を 踏む - step on two feet |
二階 から 目薬 - (taking) eye medicine from the second floor |
3. n. ====Numeral==== |
4. n. (cardinalbox, ja, 1, 2, 3, 一, 三) |
5. n. two |

Two people think of her as their daughter. 2人の人が彼女を自分たちの娘と考えている。 He had been reading for two hours when she came in. 彼女がきた時、彼は2時間本を読んでいた。 My wife went on a two-day trip. 妻は二日間の旅行に出かけた。 It's time you stood on your own two feet. もう独り立ちすべき時だよ。 I can't be in two places at the same time. 同時に二か所にはいられない。 |
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