1. n. Any of several carnivorous marine cephalopod mollusks, of the order Teuthida, having a mantle, eight arms, and a pair of tentacles
2. n. A fishhook with a piece of bright lead, bone, or other substance fastened on its shank to imitate a squid.
3. n. (US, military slang) A sailor in the Navy.
4. n. (slang) A quid; one pound sterling.
Can you lend me five squid? I feel like a bacon sarnie.
5. n. (slang) A motorcyclist characterized by lack of riding gear, reckless/careless/unsafe riding, especially of sport bikers.
6. v. (parachuting) To cause squidding. (An improper, partial, parachute inflation, that results in the sides of the parachute folding in on the center, and pulsating back and forth.)
1. 名詞. 烏賊
1. n. Any of various squid-like cephalopods (marine mollusks) of the order Sepiida that have eight arms, two retractable tentacles, and a calcareous internal shell, and can eject a dark ink when threatened.