Lexis Rex ホーム




     1. n. (from 720) color
           目の色が違う猫 - a cat that has eyes of different color
     2. n. (from 797) (figurative) the metaphorical color or mood
     3. n.    one's facial coloring or expression
     4. n.    the shape of one's face or appearance; more specifically, beautiful looks or a beautiful figure
     5. n.    lively elegance, enjoyable or interesting charm
     6. n.    apparent thoughtfulness, warmheartedness
     7. n.    the feeling or mood of a thing
     8. n.    the tenor or timber of a voice or sound
     9. n.    in Noh, a section that is chanted at a medium pace; alternately, a decorative poetic section
     10. n.    in (m-lite, ja, sc=Jpan, 浄瑠璃, , tr=jōruri, puppet show narrative), a lively section that is neither strictly dialog nor narration, but has many elements of dialog
     11. n.    when playing the koto, pushing on a string with the fingers of the left hand to change the pitch of a note, or for vibrato
     12. n. (from early 900s) something related to romantic or sexual love, particularly between genders
     13. n.    the emotions or circumstances of attraction between genders
     14. n.    extramarital relations, an affair
     15. n.    an extramarital lover
     16. n.    a prostitute
     17. n.    a red-light district
     18. n. (from late 900s) the type or kind of something
     19. n. (informal slang) various specific kinds of color:
     20. n.    (informal slang) lipstick or rouge
     21. n.    (informal slang) soy sauce
     22. n.    (informal slang) paint
     23. affix. relating to a love affair or the red light district
     24. affix. of that tone or timber or mood
     25. affix. relating to type or kind
     26. affix. Usage: Only found in compounds.
     27. n. (obsolete) coloring, design
     28. n. (Buddhism) material form, specifically the organized body as one of the five constituent elements or skandhas
     29. n. that which is visible of a thing, specifically form and color
     30. n. color
     31. n. Usage: Used extensively in compounds.
     32. affix. color (US), colour (everywhere else)
     33. affix. Usage: Used in compounds.
     34. counter. used to count the number of colors
           三色刷り - three-color printing


     1. 別表記. colour (アメリカ合衆国以外)
     2. 名詞. 色。光(可視光線)のスペクトルの合成成分
           Humans and birds can perceive color.
     3. 名詞. 色彩。認識できたり、名付けられているスペクトル光の一式
           Most languages have names for the colors black, white, red and green.
     4. 名詞. (黒・白・灰色のような無彩色に対して)色調。
           He referred to the white flag as one 'drained of all color'.
     5. 名詞. 人間の肌の色、特に人種や民族を指す。
           Color has been a sensitive issue in many societies.
     6. 名詞. (比喩的に)特色。特定の地域で興味のある、格別な特徴。
           a bit of local color.
     7. 形容詞. (濃淡のある灰色に対して)色の付いた、色彩がある
           Color television and movies were considered a great improvement over black and white - カラーテレビ・カラー映画は白黒のものに比べて遙かに進歩したものと考えられていた。
     8. 動詞. 着色する
           We could color the walls red
     9. 動詞. 塗り絵をする。線描による境界の内側の区画にカラーマーカーやクレヨンを使って色を塗る。
           My kindergartener loves to color
     10. 動詞. 顔を赤らめる
     11. 動詞. 完全に変えることなしに影響を与える
           That interpretation certainly colors my perception of the book
     12. 動詞. ~という性質を有すると考える。
           (口語) Color me confused



