Lexis Rex Home

Catalan Beginner Vocabulary

Set 1

If you're new to Catalan this is the page to start with on Lexis Rex. Below is a small set of words to begin learning, go through the set and each day learn two or three or more new words. Once you know a handful of words, you can start playing our games to reinforce your familiarity with them and start building your vocabulary and game scores. When you have learnt the whole set, there are 9 more Beginner sets to continue with, or you can try out the Intermediate games.

English Catalan Pronounce Images
bird auau
one un ©
three tres ©
two dos
face caracara
hand  ©mà
head capcap
heart corcor
door porta ©porta
home llarllar
light llumllum
table taula ©taula
car cotxe ©cotxe
shirt camisacamisa
to drink beurebeure
to hold aguantaraguantar
to listen escoltarescoltar
to look mirarmirar
to run córrer ©córrer
to talk parlarparlar
river riuriu
boy noi ©noi
father pare ©pare
friend amic ©amic
man home ©home
son fill ©fill
woman dona ©dona
book llibre ©llibre
school escolaescola
Monday dilluns
Tuesday dimarts


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