Catalan Word of the Day
Catalan > English |
dos |
1. n-m. two |
2. n-m. (castells) torre |
3. n-m. (castells) One of a pair of castellers in the pom de dalt, who form the third-highest level of the castell |
4. n. plural of do |
Example Sentences
Els dos nens van tirar de la corda fins que es va trencar. The two children pulled at the rope until it broke. El meu número de telèfon es el dos, quatre, sis, vuit. My phone number is 2468. Fa dos anys des que vaig venir ací. It is two years since I came here. Tens dos llibres? Do you have two books? Truca'm a dos quarts de set, si us plau. Call me at half past six please. |
Review previous words
animal | carretó | colze | senda |
vell | setanta-tres | disset | dos |
roba interior | genoll | cinquanta-sis | gall dindi |
cinquanta-nou | pebre | noranta-un | setanta-dos |
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