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Chinese Word of the Day

bā shí jiǔ



Chinese > English
     1. num. eighty-nine; 89
     1. num. eighty
     1. num. nineteen; 19
     2. n. nine tenth; the majority
           (Alternative form 什九, 拾玖)
     3. det. (Cantonese) umpteen
           十九 幾個 - umpteen amount(s) of
     1. eight
     2. many; numerous
     3. (printing) pearl (the smallest size of usual type, standardized as 5 point)
     4. Short for 八卦
     5.    to gossip (about); to stick one's nose in
     6.    (Cantonese) nosey; meddling
     7.   八婆 - nosey parker; meddling woman
     8. Variant of 捌
     1. (financial) Alternative form of 八 (eight)
     2. Alternative form of 朳 (toothless rake)
     3. Alternative form of 扒 (to break open, split open)
     4. to break
     5. sound of breaking
     6. (Min) to know; to recognise; to be familiar with
           捌字 (báik-cê, MD) - to know how to read
           ? 捌 字 (mâ̤-báik-cê, MD, audio=Cdo-fzho,_儥仈字.ogg) - do not know how to read
     7. (Min) to know (somebody)
           伓捌 (n̂g-báik, MD) - to not know (someone)
     8. (Hainanese) to know how to (do something)
     9. (Min Dong, Hokkien) already; previously
           捌曾 (báik-cèng, MD) - a term denoting past tense
           捌bat 做 %過kòe - to have done something already, MN
     10. (attn, zh, check labels)
     11. Variant of 㧙
     1. ten
     2. (figurative) topmost; utmost
           十分 - very
           十全十美 - perfect
     1. nine
     2. (figurative) many
     3. (weather) each of the nine nine-day periods from the winter solstice
     4. (Cantonese, minced oath, euphemism) Synonym of 㞗 (gau1, t=penis)
     5. Variant of 鳩
     1. pigeon; dove (family Columbidae)
     2. (literary) to gather; to assemble
     3. (Cantonese, Pingnan Min, vulgar) penis (sometimes especially erect)
           含 鳩gau1 - to suck a dick -
     4. (Cantonese, vulgar) fucking (intensifier)
           乜 鳩gau1 事 呀 你? - What the fuck is wrong with you?
     5. (Cantonese, vulgar) (Negates the meaning of the sentence.)
           sorry\sor1 鳩gau1 sorry\rlyi4 呀! - so fucking sorry! (sarcastic)
     6. (Cantonese, vulgar) stupid; dumb
           呢ni1 套 戲 真係 好 鳩。 - This movie is so fucking dumb.
     7. (Cantonese, vulgar) recklessly
           鳩噏 - to talk shit -
     8. (Cantonese, vulgar) unseriously
           鳩 做 份 功課 - to do a piece of homework unseriously -
     9. (Cantonese, vulgar) without aim or plan
           鳩 行 咗 成seng4日 - to walk around aimlessly for the entire day -
     10. (Cantonese, vulgar) thoughtlessly
           鳩 撳 粒 掣zai3 - to press a button repeatedly and thoughtlessly -
     11. (Cantonese, vulgar) unreasonably; lacking in reason
           一味mei6-2 鳩 反faan2 - to indiscriminately oppose without reason -


bā shí jiǔ

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