Chinese Word of the Day

Chinese > English | |
冰 | bīng |
1. ice | |
冰塊 - ice cube | |
2. ice-cold | |
3. to freeze; to ice | |
4. (slang) methamphetamine; meth; ice | |
溜冰 - to smoke meth | |
Bing | |
5. Variant of 凝 | |
凝 | níng |
1. to coagulate; to congeal; to freeze | |
2. to focus; to concentrate (attention) | |
3. to stop; to be still | |
4. slow; sluggish | |
5. deep; gorgeous | |
6. (Teochew) cold | |
凝 死 (ngang5 si2, MN-T) - very cold | |
7. (Hakka) ice | |
English > Chinese | |
ice | |
1. 名词. 冰 |
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