Chinese Word of the Day
剪刀jiǎn dāo

Chinese > English | |
剪刀 | jiǎndāo |
1. n. scissors | |
用 剪刀 理髮 - to cut hair with scissors | |
English > Chinese | |
scissors | |
1. 名词. 剪刀 | |
2. 名词. 《摔角》剪扼式 | |
3. 名词. 《跳高》剪式跳高 | |
Components | |
剪 | jiǎn |
1. to cut (paper, etc.) | |
剪草機 - lawnmower (lit. grass-cutting machine) | |
剪刀 - scissors (lit. cutting knife) | |
剪 指甲jia - to cut one's nails | |
刀 | dāo |
1. knife; blade | |
2. single-edged sword; cutlass | |
3. (neologism, internet) to bargain; to negotiate on price | |
4. (q-lite, only common among Tai people) | |
刀 ^世-勛 - Dao Shixun | |
5. (Mandarin, neologism, colloquial) dollar | |
6. Variant of 刁 | |
刁 | diāo |
1. (literary, or in compounds) treacherous; crafty; deceitful | |
2. (literary) to tempt | |
3. (literary) unkind | |
4. (literary) stammering | |
5. (literary) picky about food | |
6. (literary) to wring | |
7. (literary) to inveigle | |
8. (literary) ear of grains | |
9. (literary) to make (time) | |
10. Variant of 凋 | |
11. Variant of 碉 | |
12. Variant of 雕 |

jiǎn dāo
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