Chinese Word of the Day
女孩nǚ hái

Chinese > English | |
女孩 | nǚhái |
1. n. girl | |
一個 十 歲 的 女孩 - a ten-year-old girl | |
他 接 住 了 從 樓 上 跳 下來 的 女孩。 - He caught the girl who jumped from the building. | |
受傷-者 中 有 一 位 15 歲 的 女孩。 - A 15-year-old girl was among the injured. | |
2. n. young woman; lass | |
他 對 那 位 漂亮 的 女孩 暗戀 已久。 - He had long had a crush on the pretty young woman. | |
English > Chinese | |
girl | |
1. 名词. 女孩 | |
Components | |
女 | nǜ |
1. Variant of 汝 | |
汝 | rǔ |
1. Ru River, a northern tributary of the Huai River in modern-day southern Henan province. The name also refers to the Hong River in its lower reaches, which now shares a common course with the Ru, as we | |
孩 | hái |
1. child; youngster; baby | |
男孩兒r - boy | |
2. (literary) young and small; childish | |
3. (literary) to have tender affection for | |
4. (literary) to regard as a child | |
5. (obsolete) Alternative form of 咳 (hái, t=(of baby) to giggle; to laugh) |

nǚ hái
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