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Chinese Word of the Day

yīng ér chē



Chinese > English
     1. Simplified form of 嬰兒車
     1. n. stroller; baby carriage; pram; perambulator
English > Chinese
     1. 婴儿车
     2. 平底船
     3. 送牛奶用的手推车
     1. Simplified form of 嬰兒
     1. n. baby; infant
     2. n. (Taoism) lead (metal)
     1. Simplified form of 嬰
     1. baby; infant
     1. Simplified form of 兒
     2. usage. May be used to specially write erhua (or the rhotic sound) in traditional Chinese, in contrast with child.
     3. Variant of 人
     1. man; person; people
           人類 (rénlèi) - humans
           那 人 是 誰? (Nà rén shì shéi?) - Who is that person?
           嗰個 人jan4-2 係 邊個 嚟 㗎? - Who is that person?
           有人 敲門 了。 (Yǒurén qiāomén le.) - Someone knocked on the door.
     2. a person associated with a particular identity or trait; -er
           主持人 (zhǔchírén) - host
           北京人 (Běijīngrén) - Beijinger
           香港人 - Hongkonger
     3. body
           人 在 心 不 在 (rén zài xīn bù zài) - the body is here but the heart is not
           這 兩 天 人 不大 舒服。 (Zhè liǎng tiān rén bùdà shūfú.) - I lit. the body haven't been feeling that well these few days.
           今天 上午 你 人 在 哪? (Jīntiān shàngwǔ nǐ rén zài nǎ?) - Where have you been this morning?
     4. everybody; everyone
           人手.一冊 (rénshǒu yīcè) - It's a bestseller. (lit. Everyone has a copy.)
           人所共知 (rénsuǒgòngzhī) - common knowledge
     5. other people; others
           人云.亦云 (rényún yìyún) - to follow the crowd (lit. to say what others say)
           害人害己 (hàirénhàijǐ) - to harm others and onself
     6. physical, psychological or moral quality or condition; character; personality
           就我所知,他 人 不錯。 (Jiùwǒsuǒzhī, tā rén bùcuò.) - As far as I know, he is kind (lit. his personality is not bad).
           我 不 知道 他 是 什麼 人。 (Wǒ bù zhīdào tā shì shénme rén.) - I don't know what kind of person he is.
           佢 到底 係 咩 人 嚟㗎? - Exactly what kind of person is he?
     7. manpower; worker; employee
           我們 公司 正 缺 人。 (Wǒmen gōngsī zhèng quē rén.) - Our company is short on manpower right now.
     8. talent; person of talent
     9. (obsolete) common people; commoner
     10. adult; grown-up
           長zhǎng大 成人 (zhǎngdà chéng'rén) - to grow up to be an adult
     11. (Cantonese) (used as a dummy pronoun); someone; others
     12. (Zhao'an Hakka) pluralizes a personal pronoun
           ?人、你人、佢人 (ngài ngìn, ngì ngìn, kì ngìn) - we, you all, they
     13. (obsolete) sexual intercourse
           人道 (réndào) - sexual intercourse
           人事 (rénshì) - sexual intercourse
     14. (obsolete) company; companion; friend
     15. artificial; man-made
           人禍 (rénhuò) - human disaster
     16. (obsolete) human affairs; ways of the world
     17. (obsolete) mortal world; earthly word
     18. (obsolete) Alternative form of sc=Hani, 仁 (kernel, tr=rén)
     19. (obsolete) Alternative form of sc=Hani, 仁 (charity, tr=rén)
     20. (obsolete) Alternative form of sc=Hani, 仁 (loving; kind, tr=rén)
     21. (Beijing) Lenition of rénjia.
           別 磨蹭ceng 啦,人 在zǎi 外頭tou 等 著着zhe 我們 呢! (Bié móceng la, rén zǎi wàitou děng zhe wǒmen ne!) - Stop dilly-dallying. He/She/They is/are waiting for us outside!, M-UIB
           哎呀,人 孩子zi 考上shang ^哈佛 ^大學 啦,多 出息xi 呀! (Āiya, rén háizi kǎoshang Hāfó Dàxué la, duō chūxi ya!) - Geez, his/her/their kid got into Harvard University. How promising!, M-UIB
           人 別人ren 都 不 吱zī聲sheng兒r,就 他 把 這zhèi 事兒r 給 說 出chu來lai 了。 - , M-UIB, Rén biéren dōu bù zīshengr, jiù tā bǎ zhèi shìr gěi shuō chulai le.
     22. (Taishanese) paternal grandmother
     1. (now, in compounds) child
           兒童 - child
           嬰兒 - infant child; baby
     2. one's own child; son
           兒孫 - child(ren) and grandchild(ren)
           妻兒 - wife and child(ren)
           一 兒 一 女 - one son and one daughter
     3. (now, in compounds) (male) adolescent
           健兒 - good athlete
     4. (attributive, of animals) male
           兒馬 - male horse
     5. (Non-syllabic noun diminutive suffix.)
           盆兒r - small basin
           小狗-兒r - puppy
     6. (Suffix after nouns that does not indicate diminutiveness.)
           味兒r - taste
           汁兒r - juice
           電影兒r - film
     7. (Suffix added to some verbs or adjectives to form nouns.)
           吃兒r - food; something to eat
           亮兒r - light
           尖兒r - tip
           短兒r - fault
     8. (Suffix after a limited number of verbs.)
           玩兒r - to play
           火兒r - to be angry
     9. (Suffix after certain nouns that result in a different meaning from the unsuffixed form.)
           頭兒r - chief; leader
           白麵兒r - heroin
           老家兒r - one's elders
     10. (Suffix after reduplicated adjectives.)
           慢慢mān兒r - slowly
     11. =====Usage notes=====
     12. Alternative form of 齯 (teeth grown in old age)
     13. Alternative form of 倪 (small and weak)
     14. Alternative form of 郳
     1. Variant of 車
     2. Variant of 卓
     1. tall and erect
     2. outstanding; profound; brilliant; lofty
     1. (Chinese chess) chariot; rook
     2. (chess) rook


yīng ér chē

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