Chinese Word of the Day
尾灯wěi dēng

tail light
Chinese > English | |
尾灯 | |
1. Simplified form of 尾燈 | |
尾燈 | wěidēng |
1. n. taillight | |
Components | |
尾 | wěi, yǐ |
1. tail | |
2. end | |
3. last; final | |
灯 | |
1. Simplified form of 燈 | |
燈 | dēng, dēn |
1. lamp; light; lantern (for illumination) | |
電燈 - electric light | |
熄燈 - to turn off a light | |
2. lamp (for heating) | |
酒精燈 - alcohol burner | |
3. (HKC, neologism) to jinx; to make incorrect predictions |

wěi dēng
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