Chinese Word of the Day
屋顶wū dǐng

Chinese > English | |
屋顶 | |
1. Simplified form of 屋頂 | |
屋頂 | wūdǐng |
1. n. roof | |
在 ^冰島,每 個 人 都 用 不同 的 顏色 來 裝扮 他們 的 屋頂。 - In Iceland, everyone decorates their roofs in different colours. | |
English > Chinese | |
roof | |
1. 名词. 顶板 | |
2. 名词. 屋顶 | |
Components | |
屋 | wū |
1. house | |
全 屋 冇 窗 - there is not a single window in the entire house | |
2. room | |
顶 | |
1. Simplified form of 頂 | |
頂 | dǐng |
1. top of the head; crown | |
2. top; peak | |
山頂 - mountain top | |
3. to carry on the head | |
4. to prop up; to support (from below) | |
5. to substitute; to replace | |
6. to retort; to talk back | |
7. to butt; to strike (with the head) | |
8. to withstand; to confront | |
9. most; exceedingly; best | |
兩 頂 帽mou6-2 - two hats | |
一 頂 轎子zi - a palanquin | |
10. (Min Nan) | |
11. (Min Nan) in front; ahead; above; before; previously | |
12. (chiefly Mainland internet slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile; like; upvote | |
13. (Cantonese, mildly, vulgar) damn! | |
頂ding2!我 唔記得 帶 鎖匙 出門口! - Damn! I’ve forgotten to take my key(s) out! |

wū dǐng
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