Chinese Word of the Day
担架dān jià

Chinese > English | |
担架 | |
1. Simplified form of 擔架 | |
擔架 | dānjià |
1. n. stretcher (for carrying a person) | |
English > Chinese | |
stretcher | |
1. 担架床 | |
Components | |
担 | |
1. Variant of 擔 | |
2. Variant of 揭 | |
3. Variant of 撣 | |
4. Variant of 笪 | |
揭 | jiē |
1. to raise; to lift up | |
2. to uncover; to unveil; to expose; to reveal | |
3. to tear off; to take off | |
4. Used in place names | |
5. to lift up one's clothes | |
6. to block up | |
撣 | dǎn |
1. (Alternative form 撢) to dust | |
2. Shan people | |
3. (archaic) Dai people | |
4. (Sichuanese) to whip | |
5. (Sichuanese) to chase away (flies), to get rid of (dust) | |
擔 | dān |
1. to carry on a shoulder pole | |
2. to bear; to shoulder; to undertake | |
3. (Cantonese) to hold in one's mouth | |
4. carrying pole with loads on both ends | |
5. burden; load; responsibilities | |
6. picul (a, a traditional Chinese unit of weight previously around 60 kg and now standardized to 50 kg) | |
笪 | dá |
1. (Cantonese) | |
兩 笪 地方 - two places | |
兩 笪 地 - two pieces of land | |
一 笪 漬zik1 - a stain | |
2. coarse mat made of bamboo | |
3. . | |
架 | jià |
1. rack; stand; prop; frame; framework | |
2. to prop up; to support | |
3. to put up; to construct; to frame | |
4. quarrel; fight | |
一 架 飛機 - an airplane - | |
5. (dialectal) | |
一 架 車 - a car - | |
一 架 單車 - a bike - | |
6. (Min Nan) to place; to put; to rest on |

dān jià
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