Chinese Word of the Day
拍击pāi jī

Chinese > English | |
拍击 | |
1. Simplified form of 拍擊 | |
拍擊 | pāi击 |
1. v. to pat; to slap; to beat; to lap | |
English > Chinese | |
slap | |
1. 拍,掌击 | |
Components | |
拍 | pāi |
1. to pat; to slap; to clap; to swat; to hit with a flat surface (palm, swatter, etc.) | |
拍 蚊 - to swat mosquitoes - | |
2. racquet; swatter (flat implement for hitting) | |
蒼蠅ying拍 - flyswatter - | |
3. to take; to shoot (a picture, a video, etc.) | |
他 拍 的 照片 全部 都 是 過曝bào 的。 - The pictures he took are all overexposed. | |
拍片pin3-2 - to shoot a video - | |
4. to send (a telegram) | |
拍 電報 - to send a telegram | |
5. (Cantonese) to move an object closer to another object; to be near; to become near | |
拍 返 埋 張 凳 - put the chair back under the table | |
拍 牆 - to stick to the wall - | |
拍 埋 一齊 - to put two things next to each other - | |
6. (Cantonese, figuratively) to cooperate | |
拍住上soeng5 - | |
7. (Min) to hit; to beat; to whack | |
拍 尻川 - to spank someone's bottom, MN | |
8. (Min) to call on the phone | |
拍 電話 - to call someone on the phone, MN | |
拍 手機 - to call someone's cellphone, MN | |
9. (Wuhan) to brownnose; to suck up; to kiss someone's ass | |
10. (music) | |
每 小節 有 四 拍。 - Every measure has four beats. | |
11. Variant of 髆 | |
髆 | bó |
1. (anatomy) shoulder blade | |
击 | |
1. Simplified form of 擊 | |
擊 | 擊 |
1. to strike; to hit; to beat | |
2. to stab; to pierce | |
3. to attack; to fight | |
4. to come into contact with |

pāi jī
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