Chinese Word of the Day
搅拌机jiǎo bàn jī

Chinese > English | |
搅拌机 | |
1. Simplified form of 攪拌機 | |
攪拌機 | jiǎobànjī |
1. n. mixer (machine for mixing things) | |
English > Chinese | |
blender | |
1. 混合的人 | |
2. 混合器 | |
3. 搅拌器 | |
Components | |
搅 | |
1. Simplified form of 攪 | |
攪 | jiǎo |
1. to disturb; to annoy | |
2. to mix; to stir | |
3. Variant of 搞 | |
拌 | bàn |
1. to mix; to stir; to blend | |
2. to argue; to quarrel | |
3. (Hakka) to cast; to throw; to fling; to cause to fall and break; to break | |
机 | |
1. Variant of 機 | |
2. Alternative form of 几 (small table; stool) | |
機 | jī |
1. weaving machine; spinning machine | |
機杼 - loom | |
2. machine; apparatus; device | |
打字機 - typewriter | |
3. (mostly in compounds) Short for *飛機 (aircraft) | |
4. (mostly in compounds) Short for *手機 (cellphone) | |
5. (chiefly Cantonese) Short for *遊戲機 (video game) | |
6. mechanism; process | |
玄機 - arcane truth; nature's mystery | |
7. cause; reason | |
8. secret; confidential (affair) | |
機密 - top secret | |
9. opportunity; chance; crucial point | |
戰機 - opportunity in battle | |
10. plan; idea | |
神機 - marvellous strategy | |
11. flexible; quick-witted | |
12. organic | |
有機 - organic |

jiǎo bàn jī
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