Chinese Word of the Day
河流hé liú

Chinese > English | |
河流 | héliú |
1. n. (collective) river | |
泰晤士.^河 是 ^英國 第二 長 的 河流。 - The River Thames is the second longest river in the UK. | |
河流 已經 乾gān涸 了。 - The river has dried up. | |
English > Chinese | |
river | |
1. 名词. 河 | |
Components | |
河 | hé |
1. Yellow River, Huang He | |
Synonyms: 黃河 | |
河南 - Henan, lit=south of the Yellow River | |
2. (obsolete, Chinese mythology) Hebo; the god of the Yellow River | |
3. (obsolete, Chinese mythology) Yellow River's Map; the plan of the Yellow River (mystic diagram said to have been supernaturally revealed) | |
4. (by extension) river, especially a smaller river, creek, or stream, as distinguished from m:道 | |
河流 - river | |
小 河 - small river, stream | |
5. (obsolete) streamside; riverside | |
6. (literary, figurative) Milky Way | |
7. (chiefly Cantonese) Short for 河粉 | |
乾炒牛河ho4-2 - beef chow fun | |
He; Ho | |
流 | liú |
1. to flow | |
流汗 - to sweat | |
流淚 - to cry; to let tears flow | |
流血 - to bleed | |
2. to drift; to wander | |
流連 - to linger; to be reluctant to leave | |
3. class; grade | |
一流 - first class; top grade | |
4. (of water, electricity, other fluids) current; flow; stream | |
氣流 - airflow | |
電流 - electric current | |
5. to spread; to scatter; to disseminate | |
Synonyms: 留傳, 散佈 | |
流言 - rumors; gossip | |
流芳 - to leave a good reputation | |
6. (physics) Short for 流明, lumen | |
7. (math) flow | |
8. (computing) stream | |
9. (Cantonese, Hakka) of poor quality | |
流嘢 - poor-quality goods | |
10. (Cantonese) fake; ingenuine | |
Antonyms: yue:堅 |

hé liú
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