Chinese Word of the Day
洪水hóng shuǐ

Chinese > English | |
洪水 | hóngshuǐ |
1. n. flood (usually disastrous overflow from a body of water); flooding; floodwater | |
容易 鬧 洪水 - to be prone to flooding | |
English > Chinese | |
flood | |
1. 洪水 | |
2. 涨潮 | |
3. 犯滥 | |
4. 拥到 | |
5. 河 | |
6. 使溢出 | |
7. 涨满 | |
8. 灌溉 | |
9. 涨 | |
10. 涌到 | |
11. 出血 | |
12. 淹没 | |
13. 洪 | |
14. 洚 | |
Components | |
洪 | hóng |
1. flood | |
2. big; vast; grand | |
洪 ^秀-全 - Hong Xiuquan (leader of the Taiping Rebellion against the Qing dynasty) | |
水 | shuǐ |
1. water | |
請 給 我 一 杯 水,謝謝。 (Qǐng gěi wǒ yī bēi shuǐ, xièxiè.) - A glass of water, please. | |
喝水 - hēshuǐ - to drink water | |
冰水 - bīngshuǐ - iced water | |
冷水 - lěngshuǐ - cold water | |
凍水 - dung3 seoi2 - cold water, C | |
熱水 - rèshuǐ - hot water | |
開水 - kāishuǐ - boiled water | |
滾水 - gwan2 seoi2 - boiled water, C | |
水族館 - shuǐzúguǎn - aquarium | |
水彩 - shuǐcǎi - watercolour | |
水溫 - shuǐwēn - water temperature | |
雨水 - yǔshuǐ - rainwater | |
海水 - hǎishuǐ - seawater | |
飲用水 - yǐnyòngshuǐ - drinking water | |
礦泉水 - kuàngquánshuǐ - mineral water | |
蒸餾水 - zhēngliúshuǐ - distilled water | |
水閘 - shuǐzhá - sluice | |
水力發電 - shuǐlìfādiàn - hydroelectricity | |
碳水化合物 - tànshuǐhuàhéwù - carbohydrate | |
脫水 - tuōshuǐ - to dehydrate; dehydration | |
水中毒 - shuǐzhōngdú - water intoxication; water poisoning | |
雙氧水 - shuāngyǎngshuǐ, lit=water with two oxygen (atoms) - hydrogen peroxide | |
2. liquid; potion; juice | |
口水 - kǒushuǐ - saliva | |
汗水 - hànshuǐ - sweat | |
羊水 - yángshuǐ - amniotic fluid | |
香水 - xiāngshuǐ - perfume | |
眼藥水 - yǎnyàoshuǐ - eyedrop | |
3. (colloquial, mainly, Singapore, Malaysia) Synonym of 飲料 (beverage) | |
要 叫 什麼 水? (Yào jiào shénme shuǐ?) - What beverage do you want to order? | |
欲 叫 什sím物 水? (Beh kiò sím-mi̍h chúi?) - What beverage do you want to order?, MN | |
4. (archaic) river | |
漢水 - Hànshuǐ - the Han River | |
5. body of water | |
水路 - shuǐlù - waterway | |
三 面 環 水 (sān miàn huán shuǐ) - to be surrounded by (bodies of) water on three sides | |
6. flood | |
發水 - fāshuǐ - to flood | |
7. additional cost or income | |
8. (dialectal) rain | |
9. (Cantonese) money | |
磅水 - bong6 seoi2 - to pay, C | |
掠loek6-1水 - loek6-1 seoi2 - to obtain money dishonestly, C | |
10. (Cantonese) hundred dollars | |
三 嚿 水 - saam1 gau6 seoi2 - three hundred dollars, C | |
11. (Cantonese) source of revenue | |
12. (Cantonese) to fool; to deceive; to misguide | |
13. to swim | |
水性 - shuǐxìng - swimming ability | |
14. (colloquial) lacking substance or power; worthless | |
這裡 的 大學 太 水 了。 (Zhèlǐ de dàxué tài shuǐ le.) - The universities here are too weak. | |
15. Short for 划水, gloss=to shirk; to slack off | |
16. one of the five elements of Wu Xing (五行) | |
17. (colloquial) Classifier for the number of times clothing was washed. | |
18. Sui people | |
水書 - shuǐshū - Shuishu (the traditional writing system of the Sui people) | |
19. Variant of 媠 | |
媠 | |
1. Variant of 嫷 | |
2. Variant of 惰 | |
3. (Min Nan) good-looking; pretty; beautiful |

hóng shuǐ
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