Chinese Word of the Day
窗帘chuāng lián

Chinese > English | |
窗帘 | |
1. Simplified form of 窗簾 | |
窗簾 | chuānglián |
1. n. window curtain | |
English > Chinese | |
curtain | |
1. 窗帘,幕 | |
Components | |
窗 | chuāng |
1. window | |
窗簾 - window blinds | |
打開 個 窗 - to open the window | |
帘 | |
1. Simplified form of 簾 | |
2. sign hung in front of a tavern's entrance | |
簾 | lián |
1. hanging screen; curtain; blind |

chuāng lián
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