Chinese Word of the Day
继父jì fù
Chinese > English | |
继父 | |
1. Simplified form of 繼父 | |
繼父 | jìfù |
1. n. stepfather | |
Components | |
继 | |
1. Simplified form of 繼 | |
繼 | jì |
1. to continue; to maintain; to carry on; to follow | |
2. to inherit and carry on; to succeed | |
繼承 - to inherit | |
繼位 - to succeed to the throne; to inherit the throne | |
3. follow-up; ensuing; following | |
4. immediately afterward; right afterward; soon after | |
Ji | |
父 | fù |
1. father | |
父親 (fùqīn) - (formal) father | |
父母 (fùmǔ) - parents; father and mother | |
父子 (fùzǐ) - father and son | |
父女 (fùnǚ) - father and daughter | |
父輩 (fùbèi) - one's father's generation | |
家父 (jiāfù) - (humble) my father | |
生父 (shēngfù) - biological father | |
養父 (yǎngfù) - adoptive father | |
繼父 (jìfù) - stepfather | |
天父 (tiānfù) - (Christianity) Heavenly Father | |
國父 (guófù) - father of a nation; (specifically) Father of the Republic (Sun Yat-sen) | |
雜交 水稻 之 父 (zájiāo shuǐdào zhī fù) - (specifically) Father of Hybrid Rice (Yuan Longping) | |
Antonyms: 母 | |
2. (Used to address a male elder member of a family.) | |
祖父 (zǔfù) - paternal grandfather (one's father's father) | |
伯父 (bófù) - paternal uncle (father's elder brother) | |
叔父 (shūfù) - paternal uncle (father's younger brother) | |
岳父 (yuèfù) - father-in-law (wife's father) | |
舅父 (jiùfù) - maternal uncle (mother's brother) | |
姨父 (yífù) - maternal uncle (husband of mother's sister) | |
姑父 (gūfù) - paternal uncle (husband of father's sister) | |
Antonyms: 母 | |
3. (literary, respectful) old man; elderly man | |
漁父fǔ (yúfǔ) - old fisherman | |
田父fǔ (tiánfǔ) - old farmer | |
4. (literary) Alternative form of 甫 ((honorific suffix used after a man's name;) courtesy name) | |
梁父fǔ山(^梁甫山) (Liángfǔshān (Liángfǔshān)) - Mount Liangfu (alternately, Mount Liangfu) (in Shandong, China) |

jì fù
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