Chinese Word of the Day
软管ruǎn guǎn

Chinese > English | |
软管 | |
1. Simplified form of 軟管 | |
軟管 | ruǎnguǎn |
1. n. hose (flexible tube) | |
消防 軟管 卷盤 - fire hose reel | |
English > Chinese | |
hose | |
1. 长筒袜;软管; 水龙管 | |
Components | |
软 | |
1. Simplified form of 軟 | |
軟 | ruǎn |
1. soft; flexible; pliable | |
貓 的 毛 摸 上去 很 軟. - A cat's fur is soft to the touch. | |
泥 很 軟,我們 的 腳 都 陷 進去 了。 - The mud was soft and our feet sank in. | |
2. soft; gentle; mild | |
他 的 態度 軟 了 下來。 - His attitude has softened. | |
他 的 聲音 很 軟。 - His voice is very gentle. | |
3. weak; feeble | |
她 的 兩 腿 發 軟。 - Her legs felt weak. | |
管 | guǎn |
1. (musical instrument) a cylindrical double-reed woodwind instrument made of bamboo or wood | |
2. (musical instrument, by extension) any wind instrument | |
3. (by extension) slender tubular hollow object; pipe; tube; duct; canal; valve; fistula | |
吸管 - straw | |
4. (literary) calligraphy brush; inkbrush | |
5. to administer; to manage; to control; to be in charge | |
管理 - to manage | |
6. to subject someone to discipline; to discipline | |
7. to concern oneself with; to interfere with | |
8. to be responsible for the provision of; to provide; to supply | |
9. to assure; to guarantee; to ensure; to keep | |
10. despite; regardless of; irrespective of | |
11. (colloquial) (used in the pattern 管 is followed by the entity that is being called a name) | |
臺灣人 管 花生 也 叫 土豆。 - Taiwanese people also call peanuts 土豆. | |
12. (dialectal, colloquial) (indicates the object of an action:) to | |
13. (Sichuan) to be worth | |
管 ^寧 - Guan Ning |

ruǎn guǎn
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