Chinese Word of the Day
闹钟nào zhōng

alarm clock
Chinese > English | |
闹钟 | |
1. Simplified form of 鬧鐘 | |
鬧鐘 | nàozhōng |
1. n. alarm clock (attention, zh, Shouldn't this also include just alarm as in the example? Is it used for the alarm function on a smartphone for instance?) | |
我 要 把 我 的 鬧鐘 設 到 早上shang 六 點。 - I need to set my alarm for 6 am. | |
校gaau3 鬧鐘 - to set one's alarm clock | |
English > Chinese | |
alarm clock | |
1. 名词. 鬧錶、鬧鐘 | |
Components | |
闹 | |
1. Simplified form of 鬧 | |
鬧 | nào |
1. to be noisy | |
2. to create a disturbance | |
3. (of disease, disaster, or other negative events) to occur | |
容易 鬧 洪水 - to be prone to flooding | |
4. (Cantonese) to scold | |
钟 | |
1. Simplified form of 鐘 | |
2. Simplified form of 鍾 | |
鍾 | zhōng |
1. vessel for containing alcohol | |
2. to concentrate one's love or attention | |
鍾愛 - to treasure | |
鍾情 - to fall in love | |
一見鍾情 - love at first sight | |
3. unit of capacity | |
4. Alternative form of 鐘 (percussion musical instrument; bell) | |
5. (obsolete chiefly Nanzhao) younger brother | |
鍾锺 ^會 - Zhong Hui (military general and politician of Cao Wei) | |
鍾 ^南-山 - Zhong Nanshan (Chinese pulmonologist) | |
6. usage. Not to be confused with 锺. | |
鐘 | zhōng |
1. bell | |
那 個 鐘 每 小時 響 一次。 - That bell rings once every hour. | |
2. clock | |
這 個 鐘 快 了,所以 我 把 它 校jiào準 了。 - The clock was fast so I corrected it. | |
3. time measured in hours and minutes | |
點鐘 - o'clock | |
分鐘 - minute | |
秒鐘 - second | |
4. (Cantonese) hour | |
5. (Cantonese, in general) time | |
6. (Cantonese, colloquial) time, services of prostitutes | |
7. (historical) metal ceremonial percussion instrument hung from a rack and struck with a mallet | |
8. Alternative form of 鍾 (unit of capacity) | |
9. usage. The surname (鍾/锺. |

nào zhōng
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