Word |
Components |
Pinyin |
Meanings |
会 |
人云 |
1. Variant of 會 |
大 |
一人 |
dà |
1. of great size; big; large; huge | |
Antonyms: 小 |
這 個 太 大 了! (Zhè ge tài dà le!) - This is too big! |
呢ni1 條 褲 好 大 條。 - This pair of pants is very big. |
2. big; great |
中 ^美 關係 已 有 很 大 改善。 (Zhōng Měi guānxì yǐ yǒu hěn dà gǎishàn.) - Relations between China and America have improved greatly. |
大不列顛 (Dàbùlièdiān) - Great Britain |
3. great of its kind |
昨天 下 大雨。 (Zuótiān xià dàyǔ.) - There was heavy rain yesterday. |
好 大 ? 味 - a very strong smell |
4. in an extreme manner; greatly |
大 哭 (dà kū) - to cry violently |
大吃一驚 (dàchīyījīng) - to be greatly shocked |
大 不 相同 (dà bù xiàngtóng) - to be greatly different |
你 遇到 這 種 情況,大 可以 走人 哪na。 (Nǐ yùdào zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng, dà kěyǐ zǒurén na.) - If you come across this kind of situation, you absolutely can leave. |
你 可 不 知道,他 昨兒r 過來lai 大 折zhē騰teng 了 一 場。好家伙huo,差chà點兒r.沒 把 這兒r 拆 嘍! (Nǐ kě bù zhīdào, tā zuór guòlai dà zhēteng le yī chǎng. Hǎojiāhuo, chàdiǎnr méi bǎ zhèr chāi lou!) - You don't even know, yest |
5. main; major |
Antonyms: 小 |
他們 將 車 一直 開 到 大 門口。 (Tāmen jiāng chē yīzhí kāi dào dà ménkǒu.) - They drove right up to the main gate. |
他 是 一家 石油 公司 的 大 股東。 (Tā shì yījiā shíyóu gōngsī de dà gǔdōng.) - He is a major stockholder in an oil company. |
6. well-known; successful (only applied to some occupations) |
大 書法家 (dà shūfǎjiā) - a well-known calligrapher |
7. mature; grown up |
Antonyms: 小 |
你 多 大 了? (Nǐ duō dà le?) - How old are you? |
她 比 他 大。 (Tā bǐ tā dà.) - She is older than him. |
你 隻 狗 係 咁 大daai6-2 㗎 喇。 - Your dog isn't going to grow any older. |
8. (Cantonese) to grow up |
喺 廣州 大 - to grow up in Guangzhou |
9. (Cantonese) to be older than |
Antonyms: 細 |
我 大 佢 兩 年。 - I am older than them by two years. |
10. (dialectal) father |
11. (dialectal) father's elder or younger brother |
12. (Cantonese, slang) to intimidate; to threaten |
你 大 我 呀aa4? - Are you trying to intimidate me? |
你 咪mai5 大 我。 - Don't you threaten me. |
13. (Cantonese) only so big |
咁高咁大daai6-2 - gam3 gou1 gam3 daai6-2 - , C |
14. (Cantonese, euphemistic) number two |
我 好 急 呀,要 去 大。 - I'm very desperate and need to go number two. |
15. Short for 大學 (gloss=university) Used only in the abbreviation of the name. |
北大 (Běidà) - Peking University |
16. 45th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "greatness" (?) |
dài, dà |
17. Used in 大夫 (doctor) |
18. Used in 大王 (tr=dàiwáng, (in operas, old novels, etc.) king; ringleader) |
19. Used in 大黃 (rhubarb) |
20. Used in 大城 (tr=Dàichéng, Daicheng, Hebei) |
21. Alternative form of 待 (to be about to; to intend to) |
22. Alternative form of 代 (dynasty) |
23. (Cantonese) small |
咁 大daai6-1 - so puny |
24. Variant of 太 |
25. Variant of 泰 |
以 |
丶人 |
yǐ |
1. (a preposition that expresses a boundary in time, orientation, direction or quantity) | |
以前 - before |
自古 以來 - since time immemorial |
長安 東 路 以西 - west of Chang'an |
價格 在 一千 元 以上。 - The price is above one thousand yuan. |
2. by; with; by means of |
以 少shǎo 勝 多 - to defeat (enemy troops) with a force inferior in number |
以德報怨 - to return good for evil, lit=to recompense injury with kindness |
以 賣 衣服 為wéi 生 - to make a living by selling clothes |
以 大局 為wéi 重 - to focus on the big picture, lit=to treat the big picture as something serious |
彼此 以 同樣 的 態度 對待 對方。 - One another treating an opposing side with the same attitude. |
3. according to |
以 大小 排列 - to arrange by size |
物以類聚 - birds of a feather flock together (lit. things will be gathered together according to category) |
4. so as to; in order to |
以正視聽 - in order to ensure a correct understanding of the facts |
以防萬一 - just in case, lit=to protect against a contingency |
市民 對 惡劣 天氣 要 作出 適當 的 預防 措施,以 減低 可能 引致 的 人命 傷亡 及 財物 損失。 - The public should take appropriate preventive measures against severe weather in order to minimize possible loss of life, injury and prop |
5. because; because of |
勿.以.善.小.而.不.為wéi - do not fail to commit a good act just because it is small in scale. |
6. (literary) therefore; thus |
7. to use |
8. (literary) to consider as |
9. Short for 以色列 (Israel) |
以 ^巴 衝突 - Israel-Palestinian conflict |
10. (Chinese linguistics) the Middle Chinese initial of 以, equivalent to the 4th(等) of the initial (ltc-l, 喻) |
11. Variant of 似 |
从 |
人人 |
1. Variant of 從 | |
2. Variant of 叢 |
女人 |
女人 |
nǚrén |
1. n. woman; adult female | |
一個 陌生 女人 的 來信 - a letter from an unknown woman |
我 不 想 和 這 種 不要臉 的 女人 講話。 - I don't wish to speak to such a shameless woman. |
2. n. (colloquial) lover; mistress |
3. n. =====Usage notes===== |
nǚren, nǚrén |
4. n. (colloquial) wife |
男人 |
男人 |
nánrén |
1. n. man | |
花心 的 男人 - womaniser |
要 想 抓住 男人 的 心,先 要 抓住 男人 的 胃。 - The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. |
2. adj. (colloquial) manly; masculine |
nánren |
3. n. (colloquial) husband |
夫 |
二人 |
fū |
1. male adult; man | |
2. The gate of the Sword Parapet stands firm on its frightful height.One man defending it, a thousand men could not break it open. |
3. , ref=(circa2, early 8th century, short=yes), Li Bai (lw, zh, 李白), lw, zh, s:zh:蜀道難 (李白), 蜀道難. Translated into the English as The Steep Road to Shuh by Shigeyoshi Obata (lang, ja, 小畑薫良), 1922. |
4. husband |
前夫 - ex-husband |
夫婦 - married couple |
5. manual worker |
農夫 - peasant |
漁夫 - fisherman |
6. conscripted laborer |
fú |
7. Variant of 伕 |
8. (Cantonese, informal, card games) full house |
内 |
冂人 |
1. Variant of 內 |
认 |
讠人 |
1. Simplified form of 認 |
坐 |
土人人 |
zuò |
1. to sit; to take a seat | |
坐下 - to sit down |
請Chhiáⁿ 坐! - Please take a seat!, MN |
2. to go by; to travel by; to ride |
坐 公交車 不 小心 坐 過頭 - to miss one's stop on the bus |
我 坐 飛機 去 ^上海。 - I go to Shanghai by plane. |
她 開車 去, 不 坐 火車 去。 - She does not go by train, she drives. |
3. to bear fruit |
4. (literary) because of; on the ground of |
5. to be in charge of; to manage |
6. to uphold; to fight until the end without giving up |
坐鎮 - to assume personal command |
7. (obsolete) to be convicted (of a crime) |
zuò |
8. Alternative form of 座 |
9. =====Usage notes===== |
队 |
阝人 |
1. Simplified form of 隊 |
全 |
人王 |
quán, cüán |
1. complete; whole; entire | |
2. completely; wholly |
3. everything; all |
4. perfect; flawless; faultless |
5. to preserve; to save; to keep whole or intact |
6. to maintain; to keep |
贝 |
冂人 |
1. Simplified form of 貝 |
众 |
人从 |
1. Variant of 眾 | |
2. Variant of 乑 |
介 |
人丿丨 |
jiè |
1. to lie between | |
2. to relate two things; to connect; to link; to introduce |
3. to assist; to help |
4. to hang; to suspend |
5. to rely on; to depend on |
6. firm; persistent; unswerving |
7. such; like this; this kind of |
8. Original form of 界 (boundary; role; duty) |
9. iota; tiny bit. Alternative form of 芥 |
10. seashell; shell |
11. to wear armour |
12. (Min Dong) again; re- |
13. (Taiwan) zepto- (SI unit prefix) |
Synonyms: 仄 |
14. (Wu) (used to indicate a degree) |
介 大 - tr=1ka&3du, so big, SH |
15. (Hong Kong) (Informal shorthand for gai1.) |
16. (Hakka) Alternative form of 個 (-, t=(particle; classifier)) |
病人 |
病人 |
bìngrén |
1. n. patient; invalid | |
住院 病人 - inpatient |
門診 病人 - outpatient |
高危 病人 - high-risk patients |
病人 看kān護 - patient care |
醫生 在 給 病人 看病。 - The doctor is seeing a patient. |
闪 |
门人 |
1. Simplified form of 閃 |
齿 |
止凵人 |
1. Simplified form of 齒 |