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Characters using the Radical

Word Components Pinyin Meanings
木几 1. Variant of 機
jī, jǐ 2. Alternative form of 几 (small table; stool)
舟几口 chuán 1. watercraft; vessel (including ships, boats, sailing ships, hovercrafts; sometimes including submarines)
2. an object with a shape or function similar to watercraft
     太空船 - spaceship
3. (obsolete) alcohol cup
4. (obsolete) to carry by watercraft
5. (obsolete, dialectal) button
6. (Hong Kong, colloquial) scholarship
岂几 1. Simplified form of 凱
吅几 zhòu 1. religious incantation or mantra; spell
2. curse; malediction
3. to curse; to damn
几丶 fán 1. in general; every, all, any; (indicates that the statement applies generally, to all cases.)
2. altogether; in total (of numbers)
3. ordinary; commonplace
     非凡 - extraordinary
     凡人 - common people
4. worldly; mortal; earthly
5. (literary) outline; gist
fán 6. (music) Kunqu gongche notation for the note fa (4).
任几 1. Variant of 憑
亠口冖几 liàng, liáng 1. bright; brilliant; radiant
2. loud and clear
3. (dialectal Mandarin, dialectal Wu, Xiang) lamp; light
4. to shine; to illuminate
      ^ - tr=Liông-dō̤, Liang Island, Beigan, Lienchiang (Matsu), ROC (Taiwan), MD
5. (neologism) to be the highlight; to be epic
6. to make one's voice loud and clear; to raise one's voice
7. to reveal; to disclose
沿 氵几口 yán 1. to follow a course, go along
2. to continue or hand down (attention, zh, needs check/formatting)
3. Variant of 檐
几木 duǒ, tuǒ 1. flower or calyx of a plant
     一百 玫瑰gui - a hundred roses
2. (Min Nan)
3. (Cantonese) name; nickname; title
饣几 1. Simplified form of 飢
2. Simplified form of 饑
冖几 rǒng 1. superfluous; unnecessary; surplus; uncalled-for; spare; excessive; redundant
2. complicated and tedious; overloaded with details
3. busy routine
禾几 1. Simplified form of 禿
亠几 kàng 1. high; arrogant; haughty
     高亢 - (of sound) loud and sonorous; excited; high spirits; (of appearance) haughty
     不卑不亢 - neither obsequious nor supercilious
2. firm; resolute
     亢直 - upright and outspoken
3. dry; arid; drought
     亢旱 - severe drought (attention, zh, Does mean "extreme" here?)
4. extreme; too much
5. exceed; excessive
6. ridge of a roof
7. Neck Mansion (one of Twenty-Eight Mansions)
口几 1. Simplified form of 嘰
登几 dèng 1. bench, stool
     凳子zi - bench, stool
2. (dialectal) chair
     ni1 真係 穩陣。 - This chair is really wobbly.