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Characters using the Radical

Word Components Pinyin Meanings
走干 1. Simplified form of 趕
2. Variant of 擀
干丷 píng 1. level; even; flat
      (píng fàng) - to put horizontally
     平原 (píngyuán) - plain
     馬路 。 (Mǎlù hěn píng.) - The road is very flat.
2. equal; fair
     平分 (píngfēn) - to divide evenly
     持平 (chípíng) - impartial
3. equal
     平輩 (píngbèi) - same generation
     平起平坐 (píngqǐpíngzuò) - to be on an equal footing
      世界 紀錄 (píng le shìjiè jìlù) - equalled a world record
     雙方 。 (Shuāngfāng dǎ chéng wǔ píng.) - They reached 5-5.
4. to level; to make level
5. calm; peaceful
     太平 (tàipíng) - peaceful and tranquil
     風平浪靜 (fēngpínglàngjìng) - to have no waves
     心平氣和 (xīnpíngqìhé) - even-tempered and good-humoured
     Synonyms: ,
6. to calm down; to make peaceful; to quiet down
      民憤 (píng mínfèn) - to assuage popular indignation
      ! (Nǐ xiān píng píng qì!) - Just calm down a bit first!
7. to pacify
     平叛 (píngpàn) - to suppress a rebellion
8. ordinary; common; mediocre; average
     平日 (píngrì) - normal days
     平凡 (píngfán) - ordinary
     平民 (píngmín) - civilian
     Synonyms: ,
     Antonyms: ,
9. (Chinese phonetics) level tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese)
     平上shǎng去入 (píngshǎngqùrù) - the four tones of Middle Chinese: level, rising, departing and checked
     陽平 (yángpíng) - light level tone
10. (Cantonese, Hakka) cheap; inexpensive
     peng4 機票piu3 - cheap air tickets
     peng4 ? - Can it be cheaper?
     不如 peng4 peng4-2 dei6-2 。 - What about selling it to me at a lower price?
     Antonyms: , tr=-
11. (Min Nan, Hakka) the same
      。 (i1 gah4 ua2 bên5 guin5.) - He is as tall as me., MN-T
12. (historical) Short for 北平
      ^ 戰役 (Píng Jīn zhànyì) - Pingjin campaign
13. Short for 平方米, square metre Used with numbers without classifiers.
14. , number 95 of the Baijiaxing
pián 15. Alternative form of 辨
bìng 16. (obsolete) to control prices
17. Variant of 抨
女干 jiān 1. to stage an armed rebellion or steal
2. evil; wicked; treacherous
3. self-seeking; wily
4. evildoer; treacherous person
5. traitor; betrayer
6. to commit adultery
7. to rape
gān 8. (archaic) to offend; to mistreat; to encroach on; Alternative form of 干
氵干 hàn 1. sweat; perspiration
      著着zhe 。 - I'm dripping with sweat.
      - to sweat so much that the head is drenched
      跑步 。 - He is drenched in sweat after running.
2. (literary, or in compounds) to sweat; to perspire
3. (literary) condensation on bamboo when put over fire
4. Used in 汗漫
5. (internet slang) (Word used to express embarrassment, speechlessness or helplessness.)
hán 6. Short for 可汗
gān 7. Only used in 餘汗/馀汗
木干 gān 1. pole; staff; rod
     旗杆 - flag pole
     桅杆 - mast
2. Simplified form of 桿
3. Variant of 秆
4. Variant of 竿
月干 gān 1. liver
      。 - I don't eat tripe or liver.
     身體 大部分 膽固醇 消化 食物 。 - Most of the body's cholesterol is made in the liver and intestine from digested food.
2. (figurative) mind; thoughts
3. (video games, neologism) to grind; to repeat a task day and night, which may exhaust the liver, in order to achieve a specific goal
      遊戲 吸引 實在 。 - This game is attractive, but I really can't grind anymore. It's too grindy.
4. (video games, neologism) grindy
干刂 kān      刊誤 - to correct errors (especially in printing)
     不刊之論 - indisputable statement; unalterable truth; irrefutable argument
1. to publish
2. publication; periodical
车干 1. Simplified form of 軒
葡萄干 葡萄葡萄干 1. Simplified form of 葡萄乾
扌干 hàn 1. to resist
2. to offend
3. to prevent
4. to cover
5. leather sleeve
6. Alternative form of 悍
7. Variant of 捍
8. Variant of 擀
日干 hàn 1. drought; dry spell; aridness
     防旱 - to take precautions against drought
2. drought-stricken
     莊稼 - the crops are drought-stricken
3. (attributive) unrelated to water
     旱煙 - tobacco (smoked in a long-stemmed Chinese pipe)
     旱傘 - parasol
4. on land or not in a paddy field
     旱稻 - dry rice
     旱船 -
5. land route
     起旱 - take an overland route