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Word and Radical Components of

The Chinese word 嘴 is analysed below into its constituent words and the words into radicals. By seeing the breakdown of the word in this way you can more easily learn and recognise the word.

Component Pinyin Meanings
zuǐ 1. (anatomy) mouth (especially the part of the face associated with the mouth)
2. (figurative) mouth-like object; beak; nozzle; spout (of a teapot, etc.)
3. (figurative) food
4. (figurative) utterance; spoken words; speech
5. (Cantonese) to kiss
6. (literary) beak

嘴 ⇨ 口 + 觜
Component Pinyin Meanings
kǒu 1. (anatomy) mouth, especially the lips and internal mouth cavity
      。 (Shù shù nǐ de kǒu.) - Rinse your mouth out.
      出自 聽來 令人 奇怪。 (Zhè huà chūzì nǐ de kǒu, tīnglái lìngrén qíguài.) - This sounds strange in your mouth.
2. entrance; opening; mouth (of an object)
     入口 (rùkǒu) - entrance
     出口 (chūkǒu) - exit
     門口 (ménkǒu) - doorway
3. gateway
     張家口 (Zhāngjiākǒu) - Zhangjiakou
     口北 (Kǒuběi) - the area beyond the Great Wall
     口蘑 (kǒumó) - St. George's mushroom (Calocybe gambosa)
4. hole; cut
     口子zi (kǒuzi) - hole
     傷口 (shāngkǒu) - wound
5. port
     電腦 端口 (shāngkǒu) - computer port
     Csēi (sēikǒu) - USB-C port
6. perimeter
     人口 (rénkǒu) - population
     戶口 (hùkǒu) - hukou
7. government organ; department
      (sān kǒu zhī jiā) - a family of three
      可以 ? (Wǒ kěyǐ chī yī kǒu ma?) - Can I have a bite?
8. (neologism, slang) to fellate
9. Variant of 名
1. Variant of 嘴
2. Turtle Beak, one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions of Chinese astronomy
3. the horn-shaped feathers on the head of an owl

觜 ⇨ 此 + 角
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. (literary) this
      號碼 無法 接通。 - This number cannot be reached.
2. (literary) here
      。 - Please press here.
jiǎo, jué, jió 1. horn; antler
2. point
3. (mathematics) angle; corner
4. (geography) cape; point; headland
5. (numismatics) one tenth of a yuan or dollar
6. role; part; character
7. actor; actress
8. (music) bugle; horn
9. (music) third note in the Chinese pentatonic scale, or mi
10. to contend; to compete; to challenge
     jué - wrestle
11. (Chinese astronomy) Horn (one of Twenty-Eight Mansions)
12. (gaming) Short for 角色
13. (Min Bei, Min Dong, Hokkien) A suffix to denote masculine animals

此 ⇨ 止 + 匕
Component Pinyin Meanings
zhǐ 1. to stop; to halt
     休止 - to stop
2. to bring to an end; to stop; to relieve
     止癢 - to stop itching (irritation)
3. to end; to finish
4. only (original form of 只)
5. 71st tetragram of the Taixuanjing (?)
6. (literary, archaic) (Sentence-final particle indicating an emphasis.)
1. (historical) a kind of spoon in ancient China
2. (literary) dagger
3. Original form of 妣 (deceased mother)
4. Variant of 牝