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The Chinese word 小 is analysed below into its constituent words and the words into radicals. By seeing the breakdown of the word in this way you can more easily learn and recognise the word.

Component Pinyin Meanings
xiǎo 1. small, tiny, little
     小孩 - child
2. minor, petty
3. briefly, for a short while
     小憩 - brief rest
4. slightly, a little
5. young
     小狗 - puppy
     小貓 - kitten
     小羊 - lamb
      嬰兒 自己 東西。 - The baby is too young to feed itself.
6. (the) youngest
     小兒子 - youngest son
7. a young person; child, kid, baby
     一家老小 - the entire family, old and young
8. Prefix used in front of family name to indicate informality or affection (for young people, 老 for elder people).
     For example, Someone called 李國寶李国宝 can be called 小李.
9. (humble) my, our
     小弟 - humble I
     小女 - humble my daughter
     小的 - humble I
10. Short for 小學 (gloss=primary school)
11.    Used in the abbreviation of the name of a primary school.
12.   二Èr 小Xiǎo - No. 2 Primary School
13.    Used with a number to indicate the level of primary education.
14.   小一 - P1 (first year in primary school)
15. (dialectal) concubine
16. (Cantonese, minced oath) A euphemism of gloss=to fuck.
      ! - Duck you!
xiǎo 17. (chiefly Taiwan vulgar) Alternative form of 潲 (siâu), chiefly used in 三小.

小 ⇨ 亅 + 八
Component Pinyin Meanings
jué 1. a backward hook
1. eight
2. many; numerous
3. (printing) pearl (the smallest size of usual type, standardized as 5 point)
4. Short for 八卦
5.    to gossip (about); to stick one's nose in
6.    (Cantonese) nosey; meddling
7.   八婆 - nosey parker; meddling woman
8. Variant of 捌