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Word and Radical Components of 洗涤槽

The Chinese word 洗涤槽 is analysed below into its constituent words and the words into radicals. By seeing the breakdown of the word in this way you can more easily learn and recognise the word.

洗涤槽 ⇨ 洗 + 涤 + 槽
Component Pinyin Meanings
xiǎn 1. (Cantonese) (alt form, yue, 使, t=to need)
2. Variant of 㭠
3. Variant of 洒
1. Simplified form of 滌
cáo 1. manger; trough from which livestock feeds
2. square or rectangular container
3. concave section; depression
4. ditch; trench; canal
5. (dialectal)
6. (dialectal)

洗 ⇨ 氵 + 先
Component Pinyin Meanings
shuǐ 1. water
      謝謝。 (Qǐng gěi wǒ yī bēi shuǐ, xièxiè.) - A glass of water, please.
     喝水 - hēshuǐ - to drink water
     冰水 - bīngshuǐ - iced water
     冷水 - lěngshuǐ - cold water
     凍水 - dung3 seoi2 - cold water, C
     熱水 - rèshuǐ - hot water
     開水 - kāishuǐ - boiled water
     滾水 - gwan2 seoi2 - boiled water, C
     水族館 - shuǐzúguǎn - aquarium
     水彩 - shuǐcǎi - watercolour
     水溫 - shuǐwēn - water temperature
     雨水 - yǔshuǐ - rainwater
     海水 - hǎishuǐ - seawater
     飲用水 - yǐnyòngshuǐ - drinking water
     礦泉水 - kuàngquánshuǐ - mineral water
     蒸餾水 - zhēngliúshuǐ - distilled water
     水閘 - shuǐzhá - sluice
     水力發電 - shuǐlìfādiàn - hydroelectricity
     碳水化合物 - tànshuǐhuàhéwù - carbohydrate
     脫水 - tuōshuǐ - to dehydrate; dehydration
     水中毒 - shuǐzhōngdú - water intoxication; water poisoning
     雙氧水 - shuāngyǎngshuǐ, lit=water with two oxygen (atoms) - hydrogen peroxide
2. liquid; potion; juice
     口水 - kǒushuǐ - saliva
     汗水 - hànshuǐ - sweat
     羊水 - yángshuǐ - amniotic fluid
     香水 - xiāngshuǐ - perfume
     眼藥水 - yǎnyàoshuǐ - eyedrop
3. (colloquial, mainly, Singapore, Malaysia) Synonym of 飲料 (beverage)
      什麼 ? (Yào jiào shénme shuǐ?) - What beverage do you want to order?
      sím ? (Beh kiò sím-mi̍h chúi?) - What beverage do you want to order?, MN
4. (archaic) river
     漢水 - Hànshuǐ - the Han River
5. body of water
     水路 - shuǐlù - waterway
      (sān miàn huán shuǐ) - to be surrounded by (bodies of) water on three sides
6. flood
     發水 - fāshuǐ - to flood
7. additional cost or income
8. (dialectal) rain
9. (Cantonese) money
     磅水 - bong6 seoi2 - to pay, C
     loek6-1 - loek6-1 seoi2 - to obtain money dishonestly, C
10. (Cantonese) hundred dollars
      - saam1 gau6 seoi2 - three hundred dollars, C
11. (Cantonese) source of revenue
12. (Cantonese) to fool; to deceive; to misguide
13. to swim
     水性 - shuǐxìng - swimming ability
14. (colloquial) lacking substance or power; worthless
     這裡 大學 。 (Zhèlǐ de dàxué tài shuǐ le.) - The universities here are too weak.
15. Short for 划水, gloss=to shirk; to slack off
16. one of the five elements of Wu Xing (五行)
17. (colloquial) Classifier for the number of times clothing was washed.
18. Sui people
     水書 - shuǐshū - Shuishu (the traditional writing system of the Sui people)
19. Variant of 媠
xiān 1. first; ahead of time; before; beforehand
      洗手間。 ( Wǒ yào xiān qù xǐshǒujiān.) - I need to go to the bathroom first.
      畢業。 (Tā bǐ wǒ xiān bìyè.) - He graduated earlier than me.
      jiu3 ci3 。 - I need to go to the bathroom first.
     唔好 。 - (For now) don't go.
2. first; preceding; prior
     先聲 (xiānshēng) - herald; sign
     領先 (lǐngxiān) - to be in the lead
     先兩日 - day before yesterday; two days ago
3. for the time being; for the moment
4. (colloquial) earlier on; before; at first
5. ancient
6. deceased; late
     先父 (xiānfù) - deceased father
7. ancestor; forefather
     祖先 (zǔxiān) - ancestor
8. thing of utmost importance
9. Short for 先生
10. Short for 先手
11. (Cantonese) only then
      而家 。 - He slept so long that he only woke up just now.
      成長zoeng2 maa3 - Only then would this be called growing?
12. (Cantonese) first off
      ? - First off, have you even bought it yet?
13. (Cantonese) Used to emphasize that something is/is not.
      。 - There's no way I'm going to tell them. / No, I am not going to tell them. / They are the last person I would tell.
     ni1 唱歌。 - This is true singing.
      ! - Eating one bowl isn't enough!
14. =====Usage notes=====
xiǎn 15. Only used in 先馬

槽 ⇨ 木 + 曹
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. tree; woody plant
     樹木 - tree
     灌木 - shrub
     木芍藥 - tree peony
2. wood; timber
     木頭tou - log
3. wooden
      桌子 。 - This table is made of wood
4. simple; plain; slow; emotionless; wooden
     木訥 - plain spoken, slow and inarticulate
     棺木 - coffin
     就木 - to die (to enter one's coffin)
5. (Mandarin, neologism, slang) (eye dialect of zh, 沒)
     有木有 - innit, damn right
6. numb
     麻木 - numb, insensitive
      手指 。 - Her fingers were numb with cold.
cáo 1. (obsolete) plaintiff and defendant
2. (obsolete) division department of the central government in ancient times
3. (obsolete) official
4. (obsolete) group
5. (literary) people of the same kind
     爾曹 - you all
6. (historical) Cao, a vassal state in China during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-221 BC), covering roughly the area of modern-day Dingtao County in Heze, southwestern Shandong province
      ^ - Cao Cao

先 ⇨ ⺧ + 儿
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. legs
2. Simplified form of 兒
3. usage. May be used to specially write erhua (or the rhotic sound) in traditional Chinese, in contrast with child.
4. Variant of 人