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The Chinese word 花 is analysed below into its constituent words and the words into radicals. By seeing the breakdown of the word in this way you can more easily learn and recognise the word.

Component Pinyin Meanings
huā 1. flower; blossom
     花朵 - flower
2. florid; flowery
3. pattern; design
     花纹 - 花纹
4. blurred
     眼花 - to have blurred vision
5. fireworks
     煙花 - fireworks
6. essence; cream
7. wound
8. Short for 天花, gloss=smallpox
     zhòng - to vaccinate against smallpox
9. courtesan; prostitute
10. to spend (money, time, etc.); to cost
      衣服 不到 一百 - This clothing cost less than 100 yuan.
11. profligate
12. (slang) randy; lecherous
13. (slang) to be horny; to womanize
      女朋友 ?? - tr=3non&3hhieu+2iau+2qi+1ho+3non&5hheq+3nyy baan hhieu&0leq&3zr va, You're going to seduce your girlfriend again aren't you?, SH, ref=2007, 上海话大词典, page 52
14. false
15. (Cantonese) scratched
      著着 ni1 已經 。 - He's worn the shoes for only two months and they're already all scratched up.
16. (Cantonese, of images, drawings, patterns, etc.) over-colorful; chaotic; messy
17. (Cantonese, card games) flush
18. (Hong Kong) pip (insignia)
19. (Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien) to extinguish; to put out (of fire)
20. (Quanzhou Hokkien) to disappear (of a scar)
21. (Shanghainese Wu) cotton
22. (Shanghainese Wu) to tease
      根本 。 - tr=3non&3viau&3le&1ho+3ngu&0leq&3ngu&1ken pen&3viau&3non&5geq pen&1sr, Stop teasing me, I didn't even want your book in the first place., SH, ref=2007, 上海话大词典, page
23. . Hua

花 ⇨ 艹 + 化
Component Pinyin Meanings
1. grass
2. Variant of 草
huà 1. to change; to transform
2. to become; to turn into
3. to melt
      - - make snow melt
4. to dissolve
5. (Suffix denoting "change into ...". Akin to English (m, en, -ize) and m, en, -ization).
     民主化 - democratize
6. (chemistry) (Affix denoting combination.)
     氧化鈣 - calcium oxide
     氫氧化鈉 - sodium hydroxide
7. Short for 教化, enlightenment; cultivation
8. (in compounds) Short for 化學, chemistry
     日化 - household chemicals
     化工 - chemical industry
9. Variant of 花
10. Variant of 貨

化 ⇨ 亻 + 匕
Component Pinyin Meanings
rén 1. Side form of the person (人) radical.
2. usage. Only used as a component in a character. Referred to as 單人旁.
1. (historical) a kind of spoon in ancient China
2. (literary) dagger
3. Original form of 妣 (deceased mother)
4. Variant of 牝