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The Chinese word for bottom is



Chinese Definition

     1. 底壁

Translations for bottom and their definitions

     1. bottom; underneath; underside
     2. ground; background
     3. ins and outs; actual situation
     4. master copy
     5. end (of a year or month)
           六月 底 - end of June -
     6. remnants; remains; leftovers
     7. (Min Nan) inside
           糜 底 - in the congee, MN-T -
     8. (mathematics) base (of triangle, logarithm, etc.)
     9. (Cantonese) staple food as the base of a meal
           伊麵 底 - e-fu noodles as the base (e.g., for lobster) -
           加底 - to add rice in a meal -
     10. (Hong Kong Cantonese) tendency in one's personality; leaning
           燥底 - having a bad temper -
           紅底 - having pro-CCP leanings -
           Mem1底 - having a masochistic side -
     11. (Hong Kong Cantonese) criminal record
           佢 個 底 花 嗮 - His criminal record is all dirty and messy.
     12. (Cantonese) underpants
           紅底 - red underpants -
           露lou6底 - to expose one's underpants -
     13. Short for 底細
     14. (Min) which; what

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