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Translations for clean and their definitions

     1. v. to cleanse; to clean; to wash
           請 清洗 後 食用。 - Please wash before eating.
     2. v. (figurative) to purge; to cleanse
           在 ^延安 派 及 ^朝鮮xiǎn 勞動 黨 其他 派系 被 清洗 後 , ^@金.^日成 掌握 了 ^朝鮮xiǎn 國內 最高 的 政治 權力 。 - After the Yan'an faction and other factions within the Workers' Party of Korea were purged, Kim Il-sung seized North

     1. Simplified form of 乾淨

     1. adj. clean; neat and tidy
           擦 乾gān淨 - to wipe clean -
           這裡 的 街道 非常 乾gān淨。 - The roads here are very clean.
     2. adj. having nothing left; completely gone
           吃 乾gān淨 - to eat up -
           他 吹 乾gān淨 這 本 書 上 的 灰。 - He blew the dust off the book.
     3. adj. straightforward; efficient
           文筆 乾gān淨 - concise in one's writing -

     1. adj. just; fair; equitable; even-handed; impartial
           社會 不 公正 - social injustice; social inequality
           等到 時機 成熟 我們 將 作出 公正 決定。 - We will make a fair decision when the time is right.

     1. adj. neat; tidy; in good order; orderly; even; regular
           上門 提親,穿戴 一定 要 整齊,要 有.禮貌。 - When you visit to propose marriage, you must dress neatly and be polite.
     2. adj. consistent; uniform; alike
     3. adj. complete
     4. v. to rectify; to consolidate; to straighten

     1. adj. skilled; skillful; adept; proficient

     1. adj. pure; honest; innocent; simple (of a person's thinking, character, etc.)
           她 一直 嚮往 著着zhe 純潔 的 愛情。 - She has always yearned for pure love.
     2. v. to purify

     1. Simplified form of 整齊

     1. Simplified form of 熟練

     1. Simplified form of 純潔

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