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The Chinese word for clutch is

lí hé qì

Chinese Definition

     1. 抓住,攫住
     1. Variant of 離
     2. a kind of legendary beast, Alternative form of 魑 (-)
     3. bright, Alternative form of 離//
     1. to close; to shut
           合上 - close
     2. to join; to combine; to unite; to bring together
           組合 - to assemble
           集合 - to gather, to assemble
     3. to suit; to fit
           適合 - to fit, to suit
           合適 - suitable, fitting
           魚 和 紅酒 不合。 - Fish and red wine don't go well together.
           那 個 店 裡 沒有 合 我 尺寸 的 帽子。 - There are no hats in that store that fit me.
     4. to have sexual intercourse
     5. to fight, to have a confrontation with
     6. to be equivalent to, to add up
           一 公頃 合 十五 市畝。 - A hectare is equivalent to 15 mu.
     7. spouse
     8. whole; entire
     9. together
           這 張 卡片 是 我們 全家 合 送 的。祝 您 母親節 快樂lè。 - This card comes from the whole family. Happy Mother's Day.
     10. (game, battle) round
     11. (astronomy) conjunction
     12. (Chinese phonetics) Short for 合口, closed-mouthed
     13. unit of volume, equal to one tenth of a 升
     14.    (Han dynasty) equal to 2 龠
     15. (music) Kunqu gongche notation for the note low sol (5̣).
     16. (music) Cantonese opera gongche notation for the note low sol (5̣).
     17. Variant of 閤
     18. Variant of 盒
     1. device; tool; utensil; ware
           器具 - utensil
     2. (medicine, biology) organ
           器官 - organ
     3. capacity; tolerance
           器量 - tolerance
     4. talent; ability
           大器晚成 - idiom A great talent takes time to mature.
           器重 - to regard highly

Translations for and their definitions

     1. v. (literally) to clutch; to grip tightly; to seize; to grab
           他 一 回來 就 抓住 他。 - Grab him as soon as he comes back.
     2. v. (figuratively) to seize; to rush (to get something done)
           抓住 機遇 - to seize opportunities

     1. n. (mechanics) clutch

     1. Simplified form of 離合器

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lí hé qì

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