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The Chinese word for dashboard is

yí biǎo bǎn


Chinese Definition

     1. 挡泥板
     2. 遮水板
     3. 仪表板
     1. Simplified form of 儀
     1. (obsolete) outer garment
     2. surface; outside; exterior
           外表 - outward appearance -
           月表 - surface of the moon -
           虛有其表 - to look impressive but lack real worth -
           表裡不一 - to think in one way but speak and act in another -
     3. table; list
           價目表 - price list -
     4. form (blank document to be filled in)
           申請 表 - application form -
           填表 - to fill in a form -
     5. to show; to express; to display
           表達 - to express -
           深 表 同情 - to show deep sympathy -
     6. model; example
           為wéi人師表 - to set an example for others to learn -
     7. (historical) memorial to the throne; petition to the emperor
           ^出師 ^表 - Chu Shi Biao - (either of two memorials written by Zhuge Liang and presented to Liu Shan)
     8. relationship with the children of one's mother's or paternal grandmother's siblings or the children of one's father's or paternal grandfather's sisters
           表哥 - male cousin (mother's sibling's or father's sister's son older than oneself) -
           姨表 - maternal cousin (mother's sister's child) -
     9. Simplified form of 錶
     10. (Mainland, internet slang) Alternative form of 不要 (do not; don't)
     1. plank; board
           木板 - board; plank
           玻璃 板 - glass board
     2. blackboard
     3. sluggish; stiff; inflexible
           呆板 - sluggish
           古板 - stuffy; old-fashioned and inflexible
     4. to harden; hardened
     5. (internet) board (sub-unit of a larger BBS or imageboard)
     6. (music) clapper
     7. (music) beat; meter; rhythm (in music or Chinese opera)
           行板 - andante
           散sǎn板 - sanban
     8. to look serious or displeased
     9. (literary or Min Nan) wooden coffin
     10. (Min Nan) ability; capability; talent
     11. (Suzhou) to have to; must
           噶 聲 閒話 板 是 俚 說 噶。 - That voice must be his., W-SZ, ref=1993, 蘇州方言詞典, page 19
     12. Variant of 闆

Translations for and their definitions

     1. n. dashboard (panel under the windscreen of a motor car or aircraft)

     1. Simplified form of 儀表盤

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yí biǎo bǎn

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